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Bob Mills

Will Kamala Harris continue to hide her stand on key issues facing America?

Lantern #24 -- August 29, 2024

Kamala Harris has been avoiding the press ever since Biden dropped out of the race and crowned her as his successor on July 21st.  Not one press conference.  Not one sit-down interview.  It’s as if she has something to hide.


Responding to mounting criticism, the Harris campaign has agreed to a joint interview on CNN tonight alongside her running mate, Tim Walz. 

Maybe we’ll hear some actual policy positions from the candidate-in-hiding. Her campaign website was quietly scrubbed of the six-point “issues” page framing the race against Trump.

Her campaign, however, is keeping us in the know.  Although, Kamala Harris has not said, in her own words, that she has changed any of her positions.

NOW it’s said she wants a border wall.

NOW it’s said she wants more border agents (to stop  illegal entry or help process them?).

NOW it’s said she doesn’t want to force  everyone into a government-controlled healthcare plan.

NOW it’s said she’s against taxing tips.

NOW it’s said she’s for fracking.

NOW it’s said she doesn’t want to defund the police.

NOW it’s said she won’t impose a forced gun buy-back program.

NOW it’s said she supports Israel.

I guess Trump’s ideas are so much better than hers, so her campaign has decided to borrow them until election day.

Her campaign is lying to make her look like a moderate.  Harris, we know has lied to the American people for 3 ½ years about Biden’s rapid mental decline, you  have to ask, what else is she lying about?

Forward this blog to a friend to use as a guideline to see how well she can pull off the CNN interview, or how slick she will dance around any action she can take right now as Vice President.

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