The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 85% of Likely U.S. voters are at least somewhat concerned about inflation, including 57% who are Very Concerned. That’s almost unchanged since May.
And we hear Republicans out on the campaign trail talking about inflation and how to cure it regularly.
However, the second issue topping Rasmussen’s latest survey – crime and law and order – doesn’t seem to get nearly as much attention.
Even though it tops inflation as a voter concern.
Tucker Carlson recently did a segment explaining why voters are so concerned about law and order and it bears out what Rasmussen Reports found in their survey.
Some of the clips Tucker showed included:
CHICAGO, IL: Some high-end stores along the Gold Coast have hired security guards to usher in customers one at a time because of videos like this where a handful of criminals come in at a time. In this case, the theft ring made off with over $100,000 worth of Louis Vuitton items.
SEATTLE, WA: This may be the most brazen shoplift you'll ever see. After singling out a $600, 70-inch TV, police say... the man in blue, puts the TV on a shopping cart and starts to wheel it through Seattle's downtown target. Court documents say he's stolen from this target 21 times before.
SAN FRANCISCO: Suspects running to the streets of San Francisco. Arms full of loot. A trio of thieves violently smashing and then grabbing $20,000 worth of watches.
BELLEVUE, WA: Snatch and run. Within seconds, thieves swiped $93,000 worth of merchandise from Louis Vuitton in Bellevue.
SEATTLE, WA: Customer stepped outside and then returns with a pistol jabbing at the employee and demanding all the bills from the register. The gunman takes the cash and runs out. Police think he's done it before.
This stuff is all over the news and the internet, no wonder eighty-six percent (86%) of voters in Rasmussen’s latest survey are at least somewhat concerned about violent crime, including 61% who are Very Concerned.
Showing how out of touch they are with the man (and woman) on the street, the top two issues that Democrats are Very Concerned about are abortion rights and climate change, but those are the issues that both Republicans and unaffiliated voters are least concerned about.
Most importantly, those concerns about inflation and crime cut across demographic lines in a way that should favor Republicans.
Black voters are more likely to be Very Concerned about preventing cheating in elections (65%) or violent crime (61%) than about either abortion rights (43%) or climate change (39%).
Voters under 40 are most likely to be concerned about climate change. However, even among under-40 voters, more are concerned about inflation (86%) and violent crime (83%) than about climate change (73%).
Fifty-four percent (54%) of voters with annual incomes above $200,000 are Very Concerned about climate change, but that opinion is shared by only 36% of voters with incomes between $30,000 and $50,000.
Among those who Strongly Disapprove of Biden’s performance, only nine percent (9%) are Very Concerned about climate change and just 27% are Very Concerned about abortion rights.
The 2022 midterm elections are now less than three months away, and according to Rasmussen’s latest survey, Republicans have a five-point lead in their bid to recapture control of Congress. But that lead can shrink to nothing if Republicans don’t start hitting the campaign trail with a message that reflects the concerns of voters.
Joe Biden economy
law and order
drug price controls
green energy
tax increases
government spending cuts
Inflation Reduction Act
Mitch McConnell
Chuck Schumer
Joe Manchin