On Monday a federal judge in Rhode Island dismissed yet another frivolous 14th

Amendment challenge to President Trump’s ballot eligibility in 2024. Courts in Colorado, New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Michigan have all dismissed similar claims by Far Left lawfare organizations seeking to interfere with the 2024 presidential election.
“The American People have the unassailable right to vote for the candidate of their choosing at the ballot box, something the Democrats and their allies driving these cases clearly disagree with. President Trump believes the American voters, not the courts, should decide who wins next year’s elections and we urge a swift dismissal of all such remaining bogus ballot challenges,” said Steven Cheung, a Trump spokesperson.
U.S. District Court Chief Judge John J. McConnell Jr., an Obama appointee, dismissed a 14th Amendment challenge to listing Trump on the Rhode Island ballot. John Anthony Castro, a little-known 2024 Republican presidential candidate, filed the lawsuit, along with several more in other states.
Castro’s lawsuits allege Trump is ineligible to hold office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which restricts officials who took an oath to the Constitution and then “engaged in insurrection” from holding office. He argues that he will lose potential voters and support if Trump remains a candidate.
McConnell made his decision in light of the reasons laid out in the 1st Circuit’s opinion, which found that Castro was not “a direct and current competitor” of Trump at the time of filing his complaint. “Accordingly, it follows that he has not shown that, as of that time, he had satisfied the injury-in-fact component of the standing inquiry,” the court ruled.
It would be even better if the courts got to the substance of the case, rather than dismissing on procedural grounds, such as standing, but so far President Trump remains undefeated against these spurious 14th Amendment claims.
As our friend Sheryl Attkisson noted, a Colorado state court ruled In Trump’s favor, placing him on the 2024 ballot.
“Former President Donald Trump's name will remain on the Colorado 2024 presidential primary ballot, a judge ruled Friday. ‘The court orders the Secretary of State to place Donald J. Trump on the presidential primary ballot when it certifies the ballot on January 5, 2024,’ U.S. District Court Judge Sarah B. Wallace wrote in her ruling.” (Fox News, 11/17/23)
“So far, however, none of the attempts to get Trump removed from a ballot have been successful. The Minnesota Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit seeking to block Trump's candidacy this week. Courts also swatted down a similar move in New Hampshire.” (Fox News, 11/15/23)
State Court In Michigan Dismissed 3 14th Amendment Ballot Challenges Brought By A Democrat Front Group.
“A state judge in Michigan partly rejected an effort to disqualify former President Donald J. Trump from running for president in the state, ruling that Mr. Trump will remain on the ballot in the Republican primary and that the state’s top elections official does not have the authority alone to exclude him from the ballot.” (New York Times, 11/14/23)
Earlier Cases In Minnesota And New Hampshire Have Also Been Dismissed.
“Disqualification efforts have also been rejected in other states. The Minnesota Supreme Court dismissed a similar petition last week. And a case in New Hampshire was also dismissed last month.” (New York Times, 11/14/23)
As Mike Davis of the Article III Project says with regularity, “The Democrats have been running lawfare and election interference against President Trump since he came down the golden escalator before the 2016 presidential election.”
Thank goodness for lawyers like Mr. Davis and for Trump attorney Harmeet Dhillon, who won the Rhode Island case.
2024 ballot
Donald Trump
Blue state secretaries of state
14th Amendment Section 3
Arizona Democrat Secretary of State Adrian Fontes
Denver District Court Judge Sarah B. Wallace
Civil War Confederates
January 6 riot
Cowboys for Trump cofounder Couy Griffin
Arizona Supreme Court
Arizona Secretary of State
Rhode Island ballot