You never know, it could happen.
How many times have we heard someone suggest this type of infinite possibility when

touching on a subject that seemed very unlikely or impossible on its surface yet actually became more possible – or even plausible -- once things started rolling and events didn’t turn out as forecasted or planned? Seasoned observers in the world of American politics should instinctively prepare for the unexpected, observing Murphy’s Law: If something can go wrong, it probably will.
According to Wikipedia, Murphy’s Law is, “Murphy's law[a] is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.’ In some formulations, it is extended to ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.’”
Most human beings are cautious by nature and build redundancies into their strategies to account for negative circumstances during an operation. Picture your kindergarten kid’s stage production counting on the cooperation of every cast member, yet the teacher assigns an extra or two as stand-ins for unanticipated potty accidents or uncooperative actors. Or, if you’re plotting an overseas cruise vacation, you’ll always leave an extra day or two to make sure you arrive at the port before sailing time.
In American politics, it’s always best to leave alternatives if something goes wrong in the campaign – particularly in presidential debates. Everyone who’s paid attention to recent news foresees that president senile Joe Biden is setting himself up for a big collapse in this week’s CNN forum in Atlanta, and when (not if) he freezes or loses his train of thought or begins relaying details of a private conversation he had with Abraham Lincoln or some other long-dead historic figure, he’ll irreparably damage what’s left of his credibility.
But what if Biden stuns the world and comes out with rhetorical guns blazing and keeps them steadily firing for the entire 90 minutes? You never know, it could happen.
In an article titled “Trump primes response in case of strong Biden debate showing”, Brett Samuels reported at The Hill last week:
“Trump and other conservatives have in recent days floated the baseless claim that if Biden does well at next week’s debate in Atlanta, it will be because he’s using some kind of performance enhancer. The claims echo a similar strategy Trump and others used to downplay Biden’s well-received State of the Union speech earlier in the year. They also come as some Republicans worry Biden will defy the caricature that Trump and right-wing media have painted of him as a feeble, confused old man.
“’Republicans would be wise to play down expectations,’ one Republican strategist said. ‘Make the point that Biden is a good debater.’ Trump has so far declined to make that case. Instead, he’s fluctuated between claims that Biden is feeble and incompetent, and preemptively trying to create a narrative that if Biden does well, it’s because he had the help of some unnamed, mysterious substance.
“’He’s gonna be so pumped up. He’s gonna be pumped up,’ Trump told supporters at a Wisconsin rally [last] Tuesday.’”
Here we go again. Conservatives and Republicans are merely echoing the decades-old refrain that senile Joe Biden acts precisely like what he is – a lying, corrupted dullard who mysteriously seems to rise to the occasion for big events – and Democrats are reiterating, again, that the 81-year-old is sharp as a tack and ready for the debate just as he wrangles everything on his daily calendar with gusto and characteristic vigor. Yeah, sure.
What, do eyes deceive? All of the times when Biden hobbles at events, mumbles his way through speeches and occasionally snaps at the audience like a care patient who hadn’t yet received his breakfast muffin are just anomalies to senile Joe’s regular demeanor, right? Biden’s people reason it’s Trump and the Republicans who are wrong, not the Democrat defenders who think Joe’s got more than enough left in him to last another twenty years as commander in chief if necessary.
It's standard Democrat mindset subterfuge. If I were Trump, I’d defer to the apologists and deflectors who make excuses for Biden and then swear that everyone’s way off-base to infer that Biden is losing it. Permit the public to see the difference between Trump and Biden on debate night and let them determine where reality lies.
Admittedly, I’ve mostly been among those agreeing with Trump that Biden was juiced up in March (on State of the Union night) and that the fool will be similarly amped on Thursday for the CNN show. Here’s also thinking that senile Joe will do plenty well in Atlanta, because he’ll be able to call on the talents that he naturally does best – express anger, point fingers, make up lies, accuse others of being criminals, question everyone who doesn’t agree with him on issues and, most of all, claim that conservatives are motivated only by racism, sexism, bigotry, trans-phobia, homophobia, MAGA fascism etc. And that his family is as All-American as they come and son Hunter has never done anything wrong his entire life that was his own fault.
Summing it up -- to Democrats, George Floyd was a hero, not a doped-up fentanyl laced cretin who wouldn’t obey police officers’ directives. Or Bill Clinton was merely offering additional presidential tutoring to Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office study, and Barack Obama was complimenting police when he said they “acted stupidly”.
So how do we figure senile Joe will perform so proficiently in Atlanta? Because he’s always done it this way in pure politics settings. People have been underestimating Biden since the beginning of his political career, ascertaining that the son of a used car salesman was a fast-talking intellectually challenged blowhard who exceled in one critical area: a matchless ability to fabricate a story on the spot and supply enough names and detail to make his blathering sound believable. Take Biden’s “Corn Pop” story from his teen years. Is anyone alive to corroborate the tale?
None of it matters. Democrats simply aren’t interested in facts; they’re only concerned with power and what it buys them. And having Joe Biden steal an additional four years in office guarantees another term on the public dole for the party staff who works in the executive branch as well as four more years of covering for deep staters who’ve hollowed out the inside of the once proud federal law enforcement agencies.
One could even make the argument that senile Joe Biden could say anything and his sycophants would eat it up like billionaire Democrat donors munching on caviar in a wine cave. In that sense, Trump will be battling on multiple fronts on Thursday night – to convince the incredibly small slice of open-minded voters that a change is needed at the top, to persuade the remaining Never Trump holdouts that four more years of Biden will finish off what’s left of the country – and to assure a few more percent of loyal Democrat voters that their interests are no longer with the liberal party.
Senile Joe is extreme. If his four years in the White House hasn’t convinced the fence-sitters of this, what will do the trick?
The bar is already so low for senile Joe that he couldn’t possibly fail to meet the pathetic expectations set for him by Trump and others. In 2020, for example, voters had the chance to see Biden in “action” for a number of Democrat primary debates, then a couple general election forums punctuated by COVID warnings. The entire nation was distracted at the time and didn’t seem to notice that Biden didn’t hardly campaign at all for weeks at a time.
Meanwhile, Trump was simultaneously being criticized in the media for holding mass rallies with attendees who gleefully celebrated their freedom by not wearing masks. Those uncaring louts! Trump carried on the business of the country as though nothing were different. His outdoor speech to wrap up the Republican National Convention at the White House in 2020 was spectacular and inspiring.
Trump wanted expectations to be high for him in 2020. And he’ll welcome the pressure again on Thursday night, too. Trump, like legendary athletes, demands to have the ball in his hands when the game is on the line. The first-time-politician-turned-president-of-the United States wins time and again because he’s not afraid of failure. It’s a quality of greatness that all peak performers possess and relish – and flaunt.
If there was a hall of fame for crunch time politicians, Donald Trump would be in it.
Would Joe Biden be similarly honored? Biden has not been recognized as a Trump-level debate performer, but he’s usually held his own because he’s got enough in his memory reserves to pull out facts and figures and names (alive or dead) to make himself sound comprehensible. Or, in times of difficulty, senile Joe can always refer to himself as “Dr. Jill’s husband”. The blather doesn’t add up to anything, but the subliminal signals send gullible grifters and the hosts of “The View” into a tizzy.
I, for one, would be surprised to witness Biden experience a major cognitive episode opposite Trump in Atlanta. Hatred for his predecessor burns bright in the older man, allowing the Democrat an extra degree of focus that isn’t always in evidence in his everyday dealings. If nothing else is working, Biden can always elevate his voice. He’s good at doing that.
The timing of the debate will also permit the respective party spin machines to fashion responses to rough spots during the ninety minutes. Rest assured that senile Joe Biden’s team is in place to put out fires using water, chemicals, sand and nuclear waste, if needed. The president will dodder home afterwards and the campaign will go on as normal.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
January 6 Committee
Liz Cheney
Build Back Better
Joe Manchin
Marjorie Taylor Green
Kevin McCarthy
Mitch McConnell
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election