Another day/week, another assurance from incumbent president senile Joe Biden that he’s staying exactly where he is, and Democrats as a party are still not sold on a plan of action.

Of course, with the status of the Democrat presidential nominee-to-be’s feeble mental state, senile Joe probably doesn’t even know where he is at the moment. But Biden’s apparent-to-everyone lack of wherewithal or functioning brainpower hasn’t prevented him from combatting his intra-party critics who’ve yelled and screamed that he needs to go back to Delaware and allow some other deluded leftist Democrat to take over in 2024.
During an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos late last week, Biden spent the better part of his half hour justifying his decision to stay put in the presidential race when it’s evident that a plethora of Democrats want him to clear the way for a successor. Many in the establishment media surmised that the pressure was beginning to get to him. But senile Joe’s responses to the former Bill Clinton advisor included nothing but more defiance. The man doesn’t listen to anyone but himself and wife “Dr.” Jill.
In an article titled “In letter to congressional Democrats, Biden says he’s ‘firmly committed’ to staying in the race”, Jeff Mordock reported at The Washington Times on Monday:
“President Biden on Monday sent a defiant letter to congressional Democrats, saying he is ‘firmly committed’ to staying in the presidential race, pushing back on members of his own party who’ve called for him to bow out.
“’The question of how we move forward has been well aired for over a week now,’ Mr. Biden wrote in the two-page letter released by his campaign. ‘And it’s time for it to end. We have one job. And that job is to beat Donald Trump. Any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us. It’s time to come together, move forward as a unified party and defeat Donald Trump,’ the president wrote.
“The letter comes one day after several senior House Democrats said during a private conference call that Mr. Biden should step aside as their party’s nominee. The new calls on Sunday for Mr. Biden to quit the race added to other House Democrats who have demanded Mr. Biden end his campaign after his disastrous debate performance against Mr. Trump on June 27.”
Here’s guessing that those who persist in telling Biden to get out saw the Stephanopoulos appearance but weren’t convinced. Who knows, perhaps senile Joe’s follow-up letter will do the trick. Doubtful, though.
Biden’s reason for dismissing the current polls in the Stephanopoulos interview had to do with his rejection of similar doomsday (for Democrats) forecasts in 2022 and 2023 (relevant portion is around 13:30), and him turning out to be right (sort of, at least in terms of overall counts) after the votes were tallied in those years.
It wasn’t all that long ago, and you likely recall, the hyperbolic (by the establishment media and Biden’s tiny contingent of supporters back then) predictions that Republicans would win dozens and dozens of seats – including in blue districts and states -- and that the GOPers would not only take clear control of the senate, but would also have a large majority in the House to grant Kevin McCarthy, or whomever became Speaker, a sizeable enough cushion to allow him to implement a true conservative agenda.
I didn’t necessarily see that happening, but I also remember the look in the mirror on Election Night, 2022, as I saw my face’s disappointment that the “wave” failed to materialize and the delusions of myself and others had fizzled like the hopes on so many Christmas mornings as a teen when I didn’t get the video game unit I truly wanted and received clothes instead! (Note: My folks didn’t believe I should be sitting hours in front of a screen rather than being outside playing sports or studying – retroactive thanks mom and dad!)
Still, the much more modest gains Republicans did make in the House in ‘22 provided some solace that finally, finally, Nancy Pelosi’s smirking mug and gnarled fingers would no longer be wielding the House gavel – and Republicans would do some good stuff, wouldn’t they? Whether they’ve actually done anything to earn the trust is a topic for another time.
What matters now is Biden’s deteriorating-by-the-moment memory is still good enough to remember the pre-2022 questions about polls and forecasts and numbers predictions, etc., and in his twisted cobweb-infested brain, he compares apples to apples and makes applesauce out of this year’s election as well.
For those needing it spelled out, it looks like this to Joe: “2020 election, I won! Those MAGA suckers were so smug in saying I couldn’t win, but all the unvetted mail-in ballots… they were legit! January 6th just proved that Trump was a poor loser all along! I won! I won!
“2022 was the same thing! Red wave? Where? The only wave I saw on TV was the hordes of angry biological females and transgender men who emerged from their hiding places and put the abortion-denying Republicans in their places! You can’t deny women the chance to kill their babies! It doesn’t matter if I’m Catholic! The Pope doesn’t get a vote, but all of the liberal screeching women do! Red Wave? Ha!
“2023 was the same thing, too. On a smaller scale, but Virginia’s Democrats held on to their majorities in the state legislature. And we held ground in New Jersey, too! And how about those abortion constitutional referendums all over the place! Kill, kill, kill!”
Therefore, senile Joe recollects the results of the post-Trump years (a.k.a., his term) and reasons that the contemporary polls showing him under water by large amounts are temporary at best – or flat out wrong. Added to the fact that senile Joe Biden has never lost an election, and you’ve got a hair sniffin’, nude swimmin’, debate blowin’, excuse makin’, felony commitin’ prodigal son protecin’ shell of an 81-year-old, angry care facility-destined man defying everyone and hanging around as long as he feels like it, by gosh!
In other words, the seeds of senile Joe Biden’s defiance and rejection of common sense were planted years ago, and a series of lucky fate events have only cemented the notion of invincibility in his head to the extent that not even the Almighty himself could convince Biden that he needed to leave of his own volition.
The few Democrats who would listen four years ago rejected the idea that Joe Biden wasn’t the kindly, grandfatherly party elder statesman and nation healer that he portrayed himself to be. “Lunch bucket Joe” was alive and well in their minds. Back then, one wishy-washy Republican who swore he’d never vote for Trump told me that “Joe Biden cares about America and Donald Trump only cares about himself”, and he was going Democrat because of it.
Never Trump establishment media personalities piled on. Liz Cheney and wimpy Paul Ryan became frequent national talk show guests because they could be relied upon to say the right anti-Trump things while still maintaining some connection to the GOP. Biden was subsequently given free rein – by someone – to turn to the dark side and to begin demonizing not only Trump, but also Trump’s voters.
The Democrat Frankenstein’s monster that senile Joe Biden had become was then re-branded as “Dark Brandon” and given a mystique that turned an old, broken-down moron who falls down stairs while going up them – into a “cool” politician who could slay dragons and Republicans with no one ever standing in his way!
Like a toddler who’s just learning to stay on his feet, Democrats have cheered for Joe and lied to him, telling him how great he’s doing and begging him to be more visible so as to improve his lagging poll numbers. Now Democrats are stuck with Biden, who sees all the “success” he’s had in defying the polling trends in the past and no one is going to tell him otherwise!
Meanwhile, the establishment media has a heck of a dilemma on their hands. They don’t want to be too nice to senile Joe since they still have about a month to convince him that he needs to go, yet they also wouldn’t want to be too harsh and henceforth eviscerate any smidgen of a chance that Biden might still have to win this year’s election. Because that means, what… Donald Trump?
Last weekend, after the Stephanopoulos interview, Mollie Hemingway blasted the establishment media for having covered for Biden all this time and then turning on him now, when his political viability dangles by a thread. But they’re complicit in Biden’s sense of ‘Dark Brandon’ invincibility that he’s now exhibiting.
What’s the old saying? Don’t cry over spilled milk?
In essence, the usually solidly united Democrats are breaking up over the Biden-continue-in-the-race issue. They haven’t exactly instituted any “Never Biden” groups within their caucus, or at least the establishment media hasn’t revealed the presence of one – but Democrats are seeing and experiencing what it’s like to not be unanimous on every matter. For so long it’s been Democrats having no self-created barriers to rallying around their party presidential nominee.
Even Bernie Sanders, in the past couple presidential nominating cycles, surrendered his previous objections about the Democrat establishment controlling everything. But that semblance of having every Democrat onboard has been diminished – or snuffed out – by the dissension over Biden’s mental state.
And it’s not as though they don’t like senile Joe personally, or don’t approve of his schemes. No, this isn’t a Republican-type objection to John McCain’s amnesty leanings or Mitt Romney’s liberal flip-flopping. Democrats still support Biden’s agenda, because he’s adopted the most radical, truth-defying elements of every crackpot constituency.
They just don’t think he can win. Period. And winning/power is all Democrats care about.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
January 6 Committee
Liz Cheney
Build Back Better
Joe Manchin
Marjorie Taylor Green
Kevin McCarthy
Mitch McConnell
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election