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Target These 45 Democrats To Stop Election Fraud

On Friday we reported the Far Left Democrats in the House of Representatives plan to vote

on HR1, their bill to remake American election laws, some time the first week of March. The purpose of this bill is to end free speech, intimidate conservatives and other outsider candidates and institutionalize the dishonest practices Democrats used to steal the 2020 presidential election.

We have two ways you can help stop this disaster: First, go to Act for America’s FreeRoots campaign and use the easy online tools to let Congress know you oppose this Un-American assault on free speech and free and fair elections. Second, call these 45 vulnerable House Democrats to politely, but firmly, demand they vote NO on HR1.

We conservatives must turn up the heat on the vulnerable House Democrats, of which there are more than you might think – remember, a switch of just five votes would hand control of the House to Republicans.

Here are three key points to make:

1.) HR1 would set up an Un-American speech police czar to monitor the political speech of everyday Americans who might make a political comment on their social media or personal email list, this is contrary to the First Amendment and our traditional understanding of freedom of expression.

2.) HR1 is an assault on privacy; it would allow the Federal Election Commission to track and catalogue more of what Americans are saying, register even very small political donations, and make public those who donate to different charitable and nonprofit organizations thereby overturning the landmark NAACP vs Alabama Supreme Court case.

3.) HR1 mandates that states adopt new redistricting commissions, which removes state legislatures from the redistricting process, contrary to many state constitutions. This undemocratic provision removes the representatives of the people from the redistricting process and replaces them with unelected bureaucrats.

A group of over 100 conservative leaders and organizations, including, released a letter analyzing the unconstitutional and deleterious effects on political participation of H.R. 1 and S.1, the Democrats’ bill to intimidate conservatives.

H.R. 1 and S. 1 would dramatically alter the First Amendment protections that Americans have enjoyed since the founding of our country. It would institute sweeping new burdens on their constitutionally protected rights to freely speak, publish, and organize into groups to advocate for the causes they support. In particular, H.R. 1 and S. 1 would impose onerous and unworkable regulatory standards on the ability of individual Americans and groups of Americans to discuss the policy issues of the day with elected officials and the public. This bill would also violate the privacy of advocacy groups and their supporters and stringently and excessively regulate political speech on the Internet.

As the letter points out, our Founding Fathers used pen names to encourage independence from Great Britain. Nearly 200 years later, the Supreme Court of the United States blocked the state of Alabama from demanding the supporter list of the NAACP, citing concerns about retribution against the group’s members and financial backers. And earlier last month, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case challenging a California regulation forcing charities to hand over their supporter lists to the government.

Clearly, the purpose of H.R.1 and S.1 is to legalize exactly the kind of intimidation the Supreme Court found to be unconstitutional in the NAACP vs. Alabama case.

Our elections will not be more honest, more informed, or more secure from foreign interference if we sacrifice the privacy of American citizens. But our democracy will be weakened if voices are eliminated from public debate through intimidation and overregulation and redistricting is turned over to unelected bureaucrats.

If you can’t reach these vulnerable Democrats at their District offices, call the toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044), urge them politely, but firmly, to oppose H.R. 1.

  • H.R. 1

  • S. 1

  • First Amendment

  • Free Speech

  • Political Speech

  • Donor lists

  • Charities

  • NAACP v. Alabama

  • Nonprofit organizations

  • Online advertising

  • For the People Act

  • Mail-in voting

  • Voter ID

  • Voter integrity

  • Speech regulation

  • intimidation

  • redistricting

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