Previously, we told you about the 18 Senate Republicans who betrayed conservatives and the GOP’s grassroots base to help Democrats pass the “infrastructure” bill that funded
practically everything we conservatives elect Republicans to oppose.
However, even after that betrayal this fight is far from over.
First, we urge you to call these nine target Democrats who have said they are prepared to vote NO on the infrastructure bill. Next, take the top nine from our list of 45 vulnerable House Democrats to politely, but firmly, demand they vote NO on the outrageous “infrastructure” bill. Finally, sign one of the conservative letters to Congress opposing the destructive policies in the in the Senate-passed bill. Here’s a link to the Family Policy Alliance’s letter opposing taxpayer-funded abortion (yes, it’s part of the deal 18 Republican Senators voted for) and the bill’s tax increases from Americans for Prosperity.
We conservatives must turn up the heat on the vulnerable House Democrats, of which there are more than you might think – remember, a switch of just five votes would hand control of the House to Republicans, and the nine Democrats listed below have already told Pelosi they are prepared to vote NO on the bill.
Here are next nine Democrat Representatives to target:
Abigail Spanberger (VA-7): (801) 401-4110
Conor Lamb (PA-17): (724) 206-4860
Ron Kind (WI-3): (608) 782-2558
Chris Pappas (NH-1): (603) 285-4300
Tom O'Halleran (AZ-1): (520) 316-0839
Elaine Luria (VA-2): (757) 364-7650
Peter DeFazio (OR-4): (541) 465-6732
Matt Cartwright (PA-8): (570) 341-1050
Kim Schrier (WA-8): (509) 850-5340
It’s important to remember that these Democrats aren’t conservatives. They may call themselves “moderates” or “centrists” but on most issues of concern to conservatives they are firmly in the Far Left Democrat camp.
Our message to these vulnerable Democrats is that we demand they know what is in the bill before voting on it, and that we won’t forget they blindly voted for this pork-filled monstrosity without knowing what’s in it. Tell them you want them to demand a vote on the infrastructure bill before there’s any vote on the much larger “reconciliation” package.
This puts them at odds with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, who made clear in their own letter to Pelosi, organized by the group’s top three leaders — chair Pramila Jayapal of Washington, first vice chair Katie Porter of California and whip Ilhan Omar of Minnesota — that said a survey of the 96 caucus members revealed that a majority are willing to withhold their votes for the infrastructure bill until the Senate passes “a robust reconciliation package” acceptable to progressives.
That means at least 49, potentially more, progressives won’t vote for the infrastructure bill, which is likely far more votes than could be offset by Republicans supporting the bill.
This puts Pelosi in a tremendous bind. Pushing the huge spending and Far Left policy package into an election year is assumed to be bad juju for Democrats, so a significant delay may lead to the whole thing being scuttled in favor of a continuing resolution to fund the government through the 2022 election.
Alternatively, getting the 45 Representatives on our list of vulnerable Democrats gives their Republican opponents a laundry list of great campaign issues from taxes and spending, to taxpayer-funded abortion, to the billions the bill spends on building a new surveillance state.
If you can’t reach these vulnerable Democrats at their DC or District offices, call the toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044), urge them politely, but firmly, to oppose the infrastructure bill. If you wish to catch-up with the list, click here to go to the previous nine target Democrats.
infrastructure bill
2022 GOP primaries
Joe Biden
national debt
federal spending
senate Republican leaders
Hyde Amendment
religious freedom
Critical Race Theory
Gender identity
LGBTQ agenda
Nancy Pelosi
House Democrats