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Richard A. Viguerie, CHQ Chairman

My New Book ‘How Conservatives Can Outlive Liberals’ Hits #1 On Amazon

My new Kindle book, How Conservatives Can Outlive Liberals, achieved bestseller status on Amazon yesterday, just ONE DAY after its launch. As I head toward my 91st birthday this is

my first #1 book and it is proof that it's never too late for a new first!

How Conservatives Can Outlive Liberals achieved bestseller status this week in the following categories:


#1 Bestseller in Inspirational Personal Testimonies

#1 Bestseller in State and Local Government

#1 Bestseller in Christian Professional Growth


This is an incredible milestone, and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you! Download this fun, insightful book on Kindle absolutely FREE between now and Friday—and please share this great offer with your friends, neighbors, family, and contacts!

Amazon link:  Naturally, if you like the book, I would also appreciate it if you rated the book on Amazon.

This is the most updated version of the health book that I have been circulating amongst friends, family, and colleagues for years. This is the first time I’ve made the content publicly available. It is a very encouraging work for anyone focused on longevity and living a full life.


Here’s a little tease to whet your appetite from Chapter 5, “Eating Habits Aren’t Written in the Constitution.


Conservatives are stubborn about not letting other people tell us what to do: we don’t want government deciding how to redistribute our money, over-regulating our right to bear arms, or putting a stranglehold on our freedom to follow our religious conscience. When it comes to our health, we should be equally stubborn about letting others decide what we should eat: food corporations with financial agendas, bureaucracies like the AMA that respond slowly to new information and innovation, or government agencies like the FDA that are filled with former employees of major chemical companies. These groups don’t promote health so much as try to avoid worst case scenarios and public relations blemishes. Just as the Tea Party sought to return more control to individuals, so all conservatives should want to have more say over their own health.


Recognizing that Kindle books are not easy to share you can also pick up a paperback copy if you prefer a book to hold or give it as a gift to someone you think may appreciate these health tips. The URL www.outlivetheliberals  is my own sales website but the book may also be purchased through Amazon. If you buy from my website, you will get a free audio version read by yours truly. The Outlive Liberals website also has more information on the book. Here's hoping you also Outlive The Liberals and help up save America!


Here's to your health!

  • How Conservatives Can Outlive Liberals

  • conservative books

  • 2024 election

  • Donald Trump

  • Amazon rating

  • health books

  • government food regulation

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