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Make America Great Again is the album, here’s the “Tunes to Whistle” singles to give to Voters

Bob Mills

Lantern #64 -- October 29, 2024

Good Afternoon Conservative Leader/Activist,

Last week you may recall I sent you 10 tunes for you to give to voters to whistle that helps define the dangerous and radical Democrat socialist/Marxist agenda that will lead America into slavery should the Democrats win the White House and Congress this November.

As promised, here’s the full list of “tunes.”

It’s been a work in progress, and no matter what your “hot button,” I think we’ve got you covered.

Here’s a few good ones that are the top of the chart:

  • When Democrats talk about “saving the environment” it’s really ... The Green New Deal for You & Me - An economic scam that will take away your gas-powered car, truck, stove and lawn mower, resulting in energy shortages and economic instability. It will also line the pockets of “Green Energy” parasites.

  • When Democrats talk about “victims’ rights” it’s really ... Return Criminals Back to the Streets - Democrats are all about rights for criminals, releasing violent offenders back into communities and putting public safety at risk.

  • When Democrats talk about “making education affordable” it’s really ... Buying More Votes with Student Loan Forgiveness - In order to buy votes, Democrats keep announcing student loan bailouts, forcing hard-working Americans to foot the bill for student loan debt they didn’t incur and don’t benefit from. 

  • When Democrats talk about “Opportunity Economy” it’s really ... Crush the Middle-Class to pay for Socialism - Look forward to more Democrats’ out-of-control government spending, pushing the cost of living even higher and putting a financial strain on families as wages fail to keep pace, compounding the record inflation already experienced under Biden.

  • When Democrats talk about “Free Speech” it’s really ... How Do We Silence Conservatives - Democrats want a world where dissenting opinions are not just silenced but criminalized through laws and legislation. Outspoken citizens in the UK and Europe are already being jailed for online comments. 

  • When Democrats talk about “being tough on Iran” it’s really ... Let’s Give Them Israel Harris-Biden continued Obama’s policy of compromising global security while financially propping up a regime determined to acquire nuclear weapons and wipe Israel and its western allies off the map.

The Democrats have nothing to offer Americans but hate, attacks, smears, and lies. 

With just a few days left to educate voters, your online donation of $15, $25, $35, $50, $100, $200, $500 or more can be turned around quickly to reach email inboxes of millions of voters with FedUp PAC voter education materials like our videos, issue report cards, and tunes to whistle to help push Trump and other GOP candidates over the top.


  1. Forward this email with our full first of 2024 Tunes to Whistle to educate voters about the danger of a Harris-Walz presidency that, if elected, will turn America into a socialist/Marxist country.

  2. Post this email on your social media accounts, Facebook, X, Gab, Truth Social, and others so we can help educate millions of voters.

  3. Make a Donation to FedUp PAC today so we can continue our online education of millions of voters that a Harris-Walz presidency will lead America into socialist/Marxist ruin.

  4. Visit our website, to download and share more voter education materials.

Voter education materials, like FedUp PAC pocket cards, videos, talking points, and other emails received from someone you know are far more effective than information from strangers like ads on TV, radio, and other media.


RICHARD A. VIGUERIE pioneered the use of direct mail marketing/advertising in politics.

Viguerie transformed American politics in the 1960s and ’70s by pioneering the use of direct mail marketing/advertising in the conservative political and ideological spheres.  This allowed conservatives to go around the liberal media blockage right into people’s homes. He used direct mail marketing/advertising to help lead, build, and grow the conservative movement, which then elected Ronald Reagan as the first conservative President of the modern era.

Viguerie is the Chairman of American Target Advertising (ATA), a 60-year-old direct marketing agency with 90 team members located in Northern Virginia. Viguerie’s company has mailed more than 4.6 billion letters for hundreds of conservative candidates and organizations and raised more than $8 billion for conservative causes.

Mr. Viguerie is also Chairman of FedUp PAC, an independent expenditure political action committee that allows him to continue to grow the conservative movement by bypassing big corporate media using new and alternative media to educate voters to elect a constitutional conservative governing majority in Congress. He is also the publisher of the conservative website,

Mr. Viguerie and his wife, Elaine, are natives of Houston, Texas, and have been married for 62 years. They have three children and six grandchildren and live in the Virginia countryside on 230 acres of conservative-friendly environment.


“Take Richard Viguerie out of the equation of the modern political conservative movement and I truly believe there wouldn’t be a modern conservative political movement.”

- Brent Bozell

Media Research Center Founder

“There are very few people who can honestly say that they have changed the course of history.

Without him, Barry Goldwater would never have been nominated for president.

Without him, Ronald Reagan would never have served two terms in the White House.

Without him, Donald Trump would never have become president.

And without the communication tools that he pioneered; Donald Trump would have no shot at returning to the White House.

That man is Richard Viguerie.”

-  Roger Stone

Political Consultant & Bestselling Author January 2024

“Viguerie is the conservatives’ Voice of America…”

- The Washington Post magazine

Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman, FedUp PAC  •   P.O. Box 1370, Manassas, VA 20108

FedUp PAC can accept unlimited individual and corporate donations.

FedUp PAC is an Independent Expenditure political action committee in support of electing a conservative Republican Congress and President.  Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes.  FedUp PAC works to BRAND Democrats as anti-God, anti-America, anti-police, open borders, school children indoctrination, corrupt, elite socialists, to help elect conservative /Republicans to Congress and the White House.

Donating is not a contribution to the campaign committee of Donald J. Trump and does not limit you in contributing to his official campaign committee.

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