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Leading Conservative Organizations, Including ConservativeHQ, Say NO To Big Tech Money

Writer's picture: atadigitalatadigital

Our friends at NewsBusters reported earlier this week that more than 35 organizations, including, have signed a pledge to reject money from Big Tech

organizations like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple and others. In a separate statement, MRC Founder and President Brent Bozell stated, "We are sending this pledge to all conservative organizations and leaders and urging them to sign it. We must act together to end Silicon Valley’s corrupt grip over Washington and our public discourse."

Here's Brent Bozell's statement in full:

Recently, the Heritage Foundation announced they had turned down two six-figure contributions from Google and Facebook. We commend Heritage and now urge all conservatives to do the same. Silicon Valley’s money is toxic and it’s poisoning our society. Big Tech - Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube and others - are pouring millions upon millions of dollars into Washington trying to buy influence. Conservatives must resist.

We are calling on everyone in Washington to publicly declare, as Heritage and others have already done, that henceforth they will not accept any toxic funding from Big Tech; or, if they do, that they will recuse themselves from the Big Tech censorship debate. The example must be set by us, so it begins with this call to the conservative movement ourselves. We are sending this pledge to all conservative organizations and leaders and urging them to sign it. We must act together to end Silicon Valley’s corrupt grip over Washington and our public discourse.

Here is the letter in full asking conservative leaders to reject Big Tech money:

Dear Conservative leader,

Big Tech has gone too far and its abuses are corrupting our government and elections. We members of the Free Speech Alliance call on every conservative leader and organization to reject any financial support from Big Tech or their surrogates. Including, but not limited to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Apple.

For the last several years, Silicon Valley has grown more powerful and they are abusing that power by censoring conservative thought, individuals, and organizations. Through their deliberate censorship, Big Tech prevented a president from communicating with his voters during an election. As a result of Big Tech’s overt liberal agenda, they are censoring entire movements, like the right to life movement. Finally, they are actively censoring conservative leaders simply for voicing their beliefs.

Big Tech’s power over our public dialogue is a threat to our American democracy. This must stop. This problem will not get better until conservatives draw a line in the sand and reject the toxic influence of Big Tech cash. Big Tech money is political toxic waste.

Therefore, starting today, we are launching a campaign urging individuals and organizations to publicly take the following pledge. It is our intention to maintain a public list of people and organizations that have signed the pledge.

As of this date going forward, I/we ___________ pledge that I/we will not accept any financial support from Big Tech and its surrogates. Specifically, I/we will not accept any donations from, but not limited to, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Apple; or if I/we do accept donations from Big Tech, I/we will recuse myself/ourselves from the debate about online freedom altogether. If, from this date forward, I/we inadvertently accept any financial support from big tech companies, I/we pledge to return that support immediately and publicly. I/we make this pledge understanding that Big Tech is corrupt and poses an existential threat to our democracy. Immediate steps must be taken to ensure all people have online freedom and that elections are kept free from Big Tech’s dangerous influence.


L. Brent Bozell III

President and Founder

Media Research Center

Tony Perkins


Family Research Council

LTC Allen West


Republican Party of Texas

Mathew D. Staver, Esq., B.C.S.

Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

Rachel Bovard

Senior Director of Policy

Conservative Partnership Institute

David N. Bossie


Citizens United

Mark Fitzgibbons

President of Corporate Affairs

American Target Advertising, Inc.

Bill Donohue


The Catholic League

Floyd Brown


Western Center for Journalism

Brigitte Gabriel


ACT for America

Austin Ruse


Center for Family and Human Rights

Susan Carleson


American Civil Rights Union

Lori Roman


American Civil Rights Union

Sandy Rios

Director of Governmental Affairs

American Family Association

Terry Schilling

Executive Director

American Principles Project

Jon Schweppe

Communications Director

American Principles Project

Gary Bauer


American Values

Michelle Easton

Board President

Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women

Will Chamberlain

Editor-in-Chief and Publisher

Human Events

Christie Lee McNally


Raven Strategies

David Kupelian

Vice President and Managing Editor


George Rasley

Managing Editor

Conservative HQ

Eunie Smith

President ProTem

Eagle Forum

Richard Norman

Founder & President

Richard Norman Company

Craig Shirley

Founder, Chairman & CEO

Shirley & McVicker

John-Henry Westen

Editor-in-Chief, Co-Founder

Life Site News

Steven Ertelt


Brian Brown


International Organization for the Family

Ryan Bomberger


The Radiance Foundation

Elaine Donnelly


Center for Military Readiness

Gene Mills


Louisiana Family Forum

John Hinderaker


Center of the American Experiment

Kathleen Patten

President & CEO

American Target Advertising

Alexandre Pesey


The Tocqueville Fellowship

Amy Kremer


Women for America First

Thomas Lifson

Editor & Publisher

American Thinker

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.

Editor-in-Chief & Founder

American Spectator

Governor Scott Walker


Young America's Foundation

Lone Conservative

James Taylor


Heartland Institute

  • Conservative Organizations

  • Big Tech

  • Google

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Amazon

  • Apple

  • Brent Bozell

  • Heritage Foundation

  • Big Tech donations boycott

  • Free Speech

  • Censorship

  • Donald Trump 2020 election

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