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Kamala Kowtows to Far Left With VP Walz Choice

Bob Mills

Harris/Walz, the most radical presidential ticket in America’s history

Lantern #8 -- August 7th, 2024

Kamala picked a radical far-leftist to be her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.


This is a Marxist, burn-America-to-the-ground ticket.


●  Walz was the favored choice for many left-wing Democrats including Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA)


●  Tim Walz supports open borders. He supports sanctuary cities. He supports free college for illegal aliens and signed a law to allow illegal aliens to get driver's licenses.

- Independent Journal Review Aug. 6, 2024


●  He’s soft on crime. Walz’s response to the 2020 riots in the twin cities was an “abject failure.”

- Jewish Insider Aug. 6, 2024


●  Walz is for defunding the police, calling for, “shifting police resources to community groups.”

- Star Tribune June 12, 2020


●  Tim Walz signed a law enshrining abortion-on-demand, with no limits.

- NBC News Feb 1, 2023


●  Walz is anti-gun, “He sold out law-abiding Minnesotans and promoted a radical gun control agenda that emboldened criminals and left everyday citizens defenseless.”

- FOX News Aug. 6, 2024


● As a socialist, Walz is downright giddy: “How often in 100 days do you get to do something that's going to impact generations to come?

- Real Clear Politics Aug. 6, 2024


And he’s proud of being a socialist. "Don't ever shy away from our progressive values. One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness.”

- The Economist Aug. 6, 2024

To anyone who cherishes freedom and democracy, the Harris-Walz ticket should sound the alarm.


The battle lines have been drawn.


It’s socialism and tyranny or capitalism and freedom. The choice couldn’t be clearer.



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3. Call into talk radio shows and read off the points about Walz in today’s email and let listeners know how far-Left Gov. Walz is.

4. Go to and download and forward other FedUp PAC videos, pocket cards, and talking points on how radical and dangerous Harris/Walz will be for America if they win the White House this November.

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Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman, FedUp PAC  •   P.O. Box 1370, Manassas, VA 20108

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FedUp PAC is an Independent Expenditure political action committee in support of electing a conservative Republican Congress and President.  Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes.  FedUp PAC works to BRAND Democrats as anti-God, anti-America, anti-police, open borders, school children indoctrination, corrupt, elite socialists, to help elect conservative /Republicans to Congress and the White House.

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