Lantern #4 -- August 1st, 2024
Good Morning Conservative Leader/Activist,
The law of the jungle is to eat or be eaten.
The law of politics is define or be defined.
Today there’s a race between Democrats and Republicans as to who will be the first to define Kamala Harris.
And the winner is almost certain to win the presidency as well as the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Big Media is working overtime to define Harris as a mainstream, centrist politician.
However, we conservatives know that she’s the most liberal person ever to head up a major U.S. Party presidential ticket.
As usual, we can’t count on the Republican Party to define Harris. If she’s going to be properly defined it will be up to us conservatives.
Some of Harris’ most outrageous liberal/socialist/Marxist ideas are…
Decriminalizing illegal border crossings.
Eliminating cash bail for criminals.
Abolishing ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
Banning offshore oil and gas exploration, drilling and banning fracking.
Eliminating all private health insurance.
Support for "a mandatory buyback program” for some guns.
Encouraged the anti-police riots of 2020 to continue.
Supports defunding the police.
Supports the Democrat Party’s abortion position, which includes the killing ofbabies up until the moment of birth.
She has a record of being anti-Catholic and anti-Knights of Columbus.
1. Forward this email to help educate your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, fellow churchgoers, and others that the real Kamala Harris is a dangerous radical San Francisco socialist Democrat.
2. Talk to your family, friends, and others in person, as well as email, blog, Facebook, X Instagram, Snapchat, etc. about today’s email.
3. Visit to download more voter education materials to forward to family, friends, and other to expose the real Kamala Harris as a dangerous San Francisco liberal politician.
Information received from someone you know is far more effective
than ads on TV, radio, and other media.
Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman, FedUp PAC • P.O. Box 1370, Manassas, VA 20108
FedUp PAC can accept unlimited individual and corporate donations.
FedUp PAC is an Independent Expenditure political action committee in support of electing a conservative Republican Congress and President. Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes. FedUp PAC works to BRAND Democrats as anti-God, anti-America, anti-police, open borders, school children indoctrination, corrupt, elite socialists, to help elect conservative /Republicans to Congress and the White House.
Donating is not a contribution to the campaign committee of Donald J. Trump and does not limit you in contributing to his official campaign committee.