Florida Politics reports Florida state Sen. Blaise Ingoglia has introduced the “Ultimate Cancel Act,” which would eliminate all political parties that once supported slavery as part of its platform.

The Democratic Party adopted pro-slavery positions in their platforms during the conventions of 1840, 1844, 1856, 1860 and 1864, Ingoglia noted. While “Democratic Party” isn’t mentioned in the bill, Ingoglia said that’s his target, according to Mike Wright’s reporting.
“For years now, leftist activists have been trying to ‘cancel’ people and companies for things they have said or done in the past. This includes the removal of statues and memorials, and the renaming of buildings,” he said. “Using this standard, it would be hypocritical not to cancel the Democratic Party itself for the same reason.”
The proposed legislation (SB 1248) would switch Democratic voters to no-party voters or give them the option of choosing another party.
Mr. Wright reported according to state Senator Ingoglia’s bill, the Division of Elections would decertify any political party that has “previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude.”
Registered voters of that party would receive notices from the state that their party has been “canceled” and that they’re now no-party voters.
As for the canceled Democratic Party, it could re-register with the state so long as the name is “substantially different from the name of any other party previously registered.”
Ingoglia said Democrats should be called upon to face their past.
"The reason behind filing this bill is that I was tired of Leftist Democrats canceling people, places, and things for occurrences that happened centuries ago regarding slavery," Ingoglia told Fox News Digital. "I always thought it was hypocritical that members of the Democrat Party would cancel others under those auspices, fully knowing that under the same metric their party should be canceled itself for years and decades of advocating a pro-slavery position in their own party platform."
“Some people want to have ‘uncomfortable conversations’ about certain subjects,” he said. “Let’s have those conversations.”
Christian Ziegler, chair of the Florida Republican Party, tweeted support for the legislation.
"If we are removing the names of Founding Fathers from monuments & schools, surely we should cancel political parties who have a deep history of protecting & promoting slavery. I endorse @GovGoneWild's legislation," Ziegler tweeted.
Similar legislation was introduced by former U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert in 2020.
Sen. Blaise Ingoglia
Ultimate Cancel Act
political parties that once supported slavery
Democratic Party
cancel culture
SB 1248
Division of Elections decertify party