Standing behind a sign claiming “Asylum Is A Human Right” the usual suspects of the Far Left of the Democratic Party yesterday conducted a news conference demanding Biden

suspend deportation of illegal aliens from Haiti, about 15,000 of whom are camped under a bridge at Del Rio, Texas.
“The Biden administration must immediately and indefinitely halt deportations,” Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley (MA-7), said Wednesday at a press conference outside the Capitol.
Pressley, who serves as co-chair on the House Haiti Caucus, joined several other House Democrats to demand accountability for what she called “the cruel, the inhumane and the flat-out racist treatment of our Haitian brothers and sisters at the southern border.”
“We have a moral obligation to lead with compassion,” said Pressley. “Haitian lives are Black lives and if we truly believe that Black lives matter, we must reverse course.”
Fox News, reported Pressley claimed that the treatment of migrants at the southern border is “egregious and white supremacist behavior.”
Not to be outdone in the race-baiting contest among Democrats, looney Left California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters (CA-43) said Wednesday that border patrol agents riding horses and pushing illegal aliens back across the border is “worse than slavery days.”
Waters went on to say, “We're saying to the president and everybody else: You've got to stop this madness… And I want to know, in the first place, who's paying these cowboys to do this work? They've got to be gotten rid of. They've gotten to be stopped. It cannot go on.”
“Let people know that they're trying to take us back to slavery days – and worse than that,” she added according to reporting by the UK’s Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail also reported Waters on Tuesday tweeted from her official Twitter account: “Haitians fleeing violence & the lack of a credible government in Haiti are being treated like animals. U.S. government cowboys on horses used whips on Haitians as they sought refuge. Why are we following the Trump policies? This horrendous treatment of Haitians must STOP NOW.”
In what appears to be a coordinated effort to drive the “inhumane treatment” narrative, Biden’s Special Envoy to Haiti, Ambassador Daniel Foote, resigned effective immediately, writing to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, “I will not be associated with the United States inhumane, counterproductive decision to deport thousands of Haitian refugees and illegal immigrants to Haiti, a country where American officials are confined to secure compounds because of the danger posed by armed gangs to daily life,” he wrote. “Our policy approach to Haiti remains deeply flawed, and my policy recommendations have been ignored and dismissed, when not edited to project a narrative different from my own.”
And following the pattern established during the BLM riots of 2020, the law enforcement officers of the Border Patrol are now facing discipline for doing their jobs.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed Wednesday to the House Homeland Security Committee that border officials seen in photos on horseback pushing illegal aliens back across the Mexico border have been reassigned to desk duty while the incidents are being investigated.
And while the men and women of the Border Patrol are facing disciplinary action for doing their jobs with the tools assigned to them, the Biden administration is placing more illegal immigration magnets at the border.
The Daily Mail reported Secretary Mayorkas also spoke with Vice President Kamala Harris about the efforts DHS has underway to address the humanitarian needs of people at the border in Del Rio “through the provision of food, shelter, clothing, and medical care, as well as engagement with non-governmental and international organizations.”
Got that – what a great way to encourage people not to come here illegally – give them food, shelter, clothing, and medical care and “engage” with the non-governmental organizations that likely facilitated their arrival in the first place.
We all know where this is going. Haiti is an economic, political, and cultural disaster, but based on the “no nation building” precedent Joe Biden set by retreating from Afghanistan, Haiti should not be our problem. However, it is increasingly obvious Biden is going to cave-in to the pressure from the Far Left of the Democratic Party to open the floodgates to an unlimited wave of Haitian immigrants.
The toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044), call your Senators and Representatives and demand that Congress prohibit any Biden administration plan to increase immigration from Haiti or to release into the United States the illegal aliens now camped at the Del Rio, Texas border crossing.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
Asylum Is A Human Right
Ayanna Presley
Del Rio
border wall
illegal immigration
Biden immigration policy
Vaccine mandates
border patrol
Title 42
Texas Governor Greg Abbott
Returned to Mexico
anchor babies
Kamala Harris
whipping incident