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Conservatives Launch Ad Campaign Targeting America’s Corporate Enemies

Writer's picture: atadigitalatadigital

On Tuesday, May 18, 2021, Consumers' Research announced the launch of the Consumers First Initiative, a major campaign that will put corporations on notice that it’s time to start

serving their customers and stop serving woke politicians. The first phase of this major campaign will kick off with a more than seven figure ad buy taking aim at American Airlines, Nike and Coca-Cola for increasingly putting politics ahead of their customers.

The ads will air nationally on cable as well as local markets where the companies are headquartered.

As we have explained in our series on America’s Corporate Enemies, some of America’s iconic brands, such as Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, American Airlines, Nike and Proctor and Gamble are now managed as Far Left political organizations, not customer and shareholder-focused for-profit enterprises.

And in many cases, such as Coca-Cola’s CEO James Quincey, these “woke” corporate Leftists aren’t even Americans, they are foreigners interfering in American elections and attempting to use the power of the mega-corporations they run to change America’s political and cultural values.

Now, the Consumers First Initiative has launched a campaign to push this message out beyond the confines of the conservative movement and into the popular consciousness.

The big picture mission of Consumers’ Research is to increase the knowledge and understanding of issues, policies, products, and services of concern to consumers and to promote the freedom to act on that knowledge and understanding. With the Consumers First Initiative Consumers’ Research is putting corporations on notice – It’s time to start serving your customers and stop serving woke politicians.

The Consumers First Initiative, is the first major “name and shame” campaign against corporations that try to distract attention from their corporate failures by playing woke politics.

“American Airlines shrunk legroom for passengers and laid off thousands of employees during the COVID pandemic while receiving billions in taxpayer bailouts. Coca-Cola and Nike have both been exploiting foreign, potentially forced, labor in China while American workers suffer. It is time these corporate giants were called to task,” said Will Hild, Executive Director of Consumers’ Research.

The ads specifically call out the leadership at America Airlines, Coca-Cola, and Nike, highlighting areas where these companies have been criticized, and pointing out that working to solve these company problems would be a better use of their time as far as customers are concerned.

“We are giving consumers a voice. These companies should be putting their energy and focus on serving their customers not woke politicians,” said Hild.

  • foreign interference in elections

  • Georgia voter law

  • Georgia elections integrity law

  • Absentee balloting

  • Brian Kemp

  • expanded voting hours

  • Major League baseball

  • Coca Cola

  • Delta Airlines

  • PGA Tour

  • corporate America

  • Go woke go broke

  • Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey

  • globalism

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