The conservative leaders of the Conservative Action Project have released a new “Memo for the Movement” demanding that Congress stop funding government policies that brazenly
harm American workers and families. Mandates that curb the freedoms of our selfless first responders and punish the very servicemembers who swore an oath to defend us must also be abolished. We urge congressional lawmakers to stand firm in the funding battles on the horizon and fight for the very people who have entrusted them to lead us out of this cascading policy nightmare.
The United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 we urge ConservativeHQ readers and friends to call their Representative and Senators to demand they stand firm against any year-end congressional Democrat spending spree.
September 6, 2022
Washington, DC
As the fiscal year comes to a close, conservatives urge Congress to adopt substantive red lines for government-funding measures that elevate the needs and well-being of the American people above the self-interested priorities of well-connected powerbrokers and lobbyists within the Beltway. Millions of our fellow citizens are suffering from historic inflation and energy prices driven by far-left ideologues in the Biden administration.
The United States is now in the middle of the Biden Economic Recession because of misguided and harmful policies inflicted upon the American people by an administration in thrall to progressive orthodoxy. It is imperative that Congress be the voice of working men and women, families, and the long-suffering taxpayers bearing the brunt of Washington’s destructive decision-making.
Congressional lawmakers should ensure that any government-funding measures or omnibus spending bills:
Freeze Discretionary Spending Levels: The House recently passed a $1.6 trillion deeming resolution to permit a $132 billion increase in baseline discretionary spending. Since then, year-over-year inflation has risen to an astounding 9.1 percent. Working and middle-class Americans are struggling to pay for basic necessities driven in large part by profligate federal spending. At a minimum, Congress must freeze discretionary spending at current FY2022 levels.
Reject A Lame Duck Omnibus: Lawmakers should reject any attempt to pass FY2023 omnibus spending bills during a lame duck session of Congress. This would only enable the passage of costly progressive policies inflicting additional and unnecessary pain on American workers, taxpayers, and consumers. Deferring FY2023 appropriations to the 118th Congress increases opportunities to enact fiscal restraints and slow inflation.
Unleash American Energy: Congress must leverage appropriations measures to secure policy changes that unleash American energy and provide relief to the American consumer. This includes repealing harmful renewable subsidies, dismantling costly and unreliable green energy initiatives in federal agencies, initiating rapid deployment of baseload powerplants, and statutorily overturning regulations that inhibit reliable energy production, consumption, and development.
Prohibit Taxpayer-Funded Abortion: Congress should ensure that taxpayer funding of abortion remains prohibited and the conscience rights of healthcare professionals maintained. Federal taxpayers must not be required to subsidize abortion, especially in the aftermath of the Dobbs decision. The Biden administration has signaled its radical intentions through the creation of a Department of Justice abortion task force designed to target pregnancy care centers while attacking states that pass laws that protect women and unborn children. Congress must not support any spending measure that funds this authoritarian task force and should instead ensure that such efforts are shut down.
Secure the Southern Border: With some 71,000 Americans dead from fentanyl overdoses in just the last year, nearly 900,000 “got-a-ways” that have entered the United States and disappeared since FY 2021, and apprehensions equivalent to the entire population of Wales in just the last year, Congress must refuse to advance any appropriations measure that fails to enact the policies necessary to secure the southern border. This includes requiring the installation of border barriers, requiring ICE to remove illegal immigrants through interior enforcement, and statutorily reinstating Trump-era border protocols such as Title 42 removal authority and the Remain in Mexico program.
End Destructive COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: Medical providers and the U.S. military are facing critical labor and recruiting shortages with thousands of our best and brightest terminated or facing discharge for refusing to receive a vaccine in violation of their conscience. This is compounded by recent admissions from top health officials that the vaccine has shown diminished effectiveness at preventing COVID-19 transmission. The hypocrisy must end. Congress should overturn these tyrannical and self-destructive mandates in any funding measure.
Dismantle and Defund Recent IRS Spending Authority: The Biden administration’s recent $80 billion spending binge to hire roughly 87,000 new agents (perhaps even more if the 2021 Treasury Report plan is followed) is just another burden stacked on top of hardworking Americans. It is reprehensible that Congress would compound record inflation and $30 trillion in national debt by forcing middle-class Americans to fund the very bureaucrats who will target them. This new power and funding must be dismantled.
Conservatives encourage lawmakers to make use of every opportunity to fight for the American people.
Congress should not fund government policies that brazenly harm American workers and families. Mandates that curb the freedoms of our selfless first responders and punish the very servicemembers who swore an oath to defend us must also be abolished. We urge congressional lawmakers to stand firm in the funding battles on the horizon and fight for the very people who have entrusted them to lead us out of this cascading policy nightmare.
The Honorable Edwin Meese III
Attorney General
President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)
Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund
Thomas E. McClusky
Greenlight Strategies, LLC
The Honorable Mary Vought
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
Star Parker
Founder and President
Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE)
The Honorable Bob McEwen
U.S. House of Representatives
Former Member, Ohio
L. Brent Bozell III
Founder and President
Media Research Center
The Honorable Jim DeMint
Chairman, Conservative Partnership Institute
Member, US Senate (SC 2005-2013)
Ed Corrigan
Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project and President & CEO, Conservative Partnership Institute
The Honorable Morton C. Blackwell
The Leadership Institute
The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.
Chief Domestic Advisor
President Ronald Reagan (1987-1988)
Wesley Denton
Chief Operating Officer
Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)
Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (Ret.)
Executive Vice President
Family Research Council
Terry Schilling
American Principles Project
The Honorable Ken Cuccinelli
Former A.Dep.Sect. DHS
Former AG of Virginia
Penny Y. Nance
President & CEO
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee
The Honorable James C. Miller III
Budget Director for President Reagan, 1985-1988
Dr. Paige Patterson
Sandy Creek Foundation
Robert Chambers
Executive Vice President
AFA Action
Seton Motley
Less Government
E.C. Sykes
General Partner - Aslan Ventures
Republican Nominee
NC Senate District 18
C. Preston Noell III
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.
Michelle Easton
President, Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women
Amy Kremer
Women for America First
Tim Throckmorton
Lifepointe Mininstry
Lee Beaman
Beaman Ventures
Randy M. Long
Long Business Advisors, LLC
Mario Navarro da Costa
Director, Washington Bureau
Tradition, Family, Property
Joseph A. Morris
Partner, Morris & De La Rosa
Chairman, The Heartland Institute
The Honorable Stanley Jason Rapert
Founder & President, National Association of Christian Lawmakers, Inc.
Richard D. Hayes
Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant, LLP
The Honorable Peter J. Thomas
Consrevative Caucus
Ashley Baker
Director of Public Policy
The Committee for Justice
Anne Schlafly Cori
Eagle Forum
Peggy Dau
Elaine Donnelly
Center for Military Readiness
James L. Martin
60 Plus Association
William W. Pascoe, III
Our Man in Washington
Tea Party Patriots Action
Paul Gessing
Rio Grande Foundation
Richard Rounsavelle
Media Research Center
Paavo Ensio
Universal Minerals Group
Jack Park
Conservative Activist and Donor
Kathleen Patten
President and CEO
American Target Advertising
Andrew Roth
State Freedom Caucus Network
Steven Utroska
Mississipi State Director
State Freedom Caucus Network
The Honorable RJ May III
Vice Chairman, South Carolina Freedom Caucus, State Representative, South Carolina
Blake Bassham
Arizona State Director
State Freedom Caucus Network
Daniel Honchariw
Nevada State Director
State Freedom Caucus Network
The Honorable Dana Criswell
Mississippi Freedom Caucus
The Honorable Peter Hoekstra
Former Congressman and
Ambassador (Ret.)
Hoekstra Global Strategies
The Honorable Briscoe Cain
Texas State Representative, House District 128
Texas House of Representatives
The Honorable Rick Green
Founder & President
Patriot Academy
Peter Roff
Senior Media Fellow
Trans-Atlantic Leadership Network
Ambassador Henry F. Cooper
President Reagan's Chief Defense and Space Negotiator
Former SDI Director
Carolee Adams
State President
Eagle Forum of New Jersey
Jill Dickman
Nevada Freedom Caucus Vice-Chair
Nevada State Assembly
Bart Marcois
Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
Dept. of Energy
The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell
Chairman, Conservative Action Project
Chairman, CNP Action, Inc.
The Honorable Paul S. Teller, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Advancing American Freedom
Myron Ebell
Director, Center for Energy and Environment, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Chad Connelly
Founder and President
Faith Wins
Marty Dannenfelser
Vice President for Government Relations and Coalitions, Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE)
Lisa B. Nelson
David Bozell
Adam Brandon
Noah Wall
Executive Vice President
Scott T. Parkinson
David N. Bossie
Citizens United
The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop
White House Advisor
President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985)
Tom Jones
American Accountability Foundation
Steve Moore
Committee to Unleash Prosperity
Alfred S. Regnery
Republic Book Publishers
The Honorable Jake Hoffman
Arizona House of Representatives
Judson Phillips
Tea Party Nation
Jay Mount
MDS Communications Corporation
Nancy Schulze
RCW Speakers
The Honorable George K. Rasley Jr.
Managing Editor
Kay R. Daly
Coalition for a Fair Judiciary
David B. Kullberg
Christians for A Sound Economy
Gerard Kassar
State Chairman
NYS Conservative Party
Don Woodsmall
Interim President
Center for Security Policy
Floyd Brown
The Western Journal
Thomas Pyle
American Energy Alliance
The Honorable Mike Hill
Former Member
Florida State House
Robert K. Fischer
Meeting Coordinator
Conservatives of Faith
Martha Boneta Fain
Allen J. Hebert
American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston
Sal Russo
Co-Founder and Chief Strategist
Tea Party Express
Ron Pearson
Executive Director
Conservative Victory Fund
Joan Holt Lindsey
Lindsey Communications
Eunie Smith
President Emeritus
Eagle Forum
Melvin Adams
Noah Webster Educational Foundation
Saulius “Saul” Anuzis
60 Plus Association
Dr. Jerome Robert Corsi
Founder and CEO
Dr. Teryn Clarke
Clarke Neurology
Michael Lunsford
Executive Director
Citizens for a New Louisiana
The Honorable Terrence Scanlon
Retired Chairman and President
Capital Research Center
The Honorable Stephen Stockman
U.S. House of Representatives
Former Member, Texas
The Honorable James Gilmore
68th Governor of Virginia (1998-2002)
James C. Dobson, Ph.D.
Founder & President
Dr. James Dobson Family Institute
Brooke Powell
Illinois State Director
State Freedom Caucus Network
Evan Newman
South Carolina State Director
State Freedom Caucus Network
The Honorable Adam Morgan
Chairman, SC Freedom Caucus
Member, SC House of Representatives
The Honorable Philip Singleton
Georgia State Representative
State Freedom Caucus Network
Jordan Davis Mason
South Dakota Director
State Freedom Caucus Network
Art Ally
Timothy Partners
Kevin Freeman
NSIC Institute
Charles J. Cooper
Assistant Attorney General, President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)
Cooper & Kirk, PLLC
Grace-Marie Turner
Executive Director
Galen Institute
Andrew Langer
Institute for Liberty
Carey Woodruff
Executive Vice President
Foundation for American Christian Education
Penna Dexter
Point of View Radio
The Honorable Peter Thomas
The Conservative Caucus
Joe Biden administration
Democrat spending bills
federal budget
vaccine mandates
Biden economic recession
national debt
discretionary spending freeze
lame duck omnibus
energy production
taxpayer funded abortion
conscience rights
secure southern border
IRS spending authority