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Biden’s SCOTUS Nominee’s Despicable Child Porn Record

Democrat Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois is in serious damage control mode after Mike

Davis of the Article III Project told Steve Bannon on Monday that Durban is hiding Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s records on child porn from the Republicans and the public.

In an appearance on Steve Bannon's War Room Mike Davis said:

Ketanji Brown Jackson has a 25-year history of advocating for less punishment for sexual predators of kids. This goes back to her Harvard Law School publication as a law student at Harvard Law School where she argued that sex offender registry laws are essentially, somehow unconstitutional… She took it on her own initiative to look into these federal sentences for people who possess and distribute child pornography… Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson made it a pet project to advocate for lesser penalty for people involved in child pornography… At least 7 instances… Dick Durbin, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, is hiding her record.

Davis, who has emerged as one of the strongest voices against confirming Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court explained that "When she goes on the Supreme Court, she can just do whatever the heck she wants under her empathy standard...If she thinks we're too mean to child sex predators...she can just make up the law however she wants it to be...It's lawless."

And it looks to us that there’s a good reason why Durbin and the Democrats are hiding Judge Brown Jackson’s records from Senate Judiciary Committee and the public.

During Judge Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearing Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri zeroed in on these charges.

Hawley raised concerns about Brown Jackson’s leniency toward criminals convicted of child pornography during the first day of her confirmation hearing Monday.

As reported by Lifesite News, he pointed to seven cases in which Jackson gave lenient sentences to criminals convicted of possessing child pornography and other child sexual abuse charges.

“What concerns me, and I’ve been very candid about this, is that in every case, in each of these seven, Judge Jackson handed down a lenient sentence that was below what the federal guidelines recommended and below what federal prosecutors requested,” the Missouri senator said.

Hawley pointed to one case where a criminal possessed thousands of images of child pornography and planned to travel across state lines to abuse a 9-year-old girl. The senator said guidelines call for a sentence of 97 to 121 months, but Jackson sentenced the criminal to only 57 months.

In another case, Jackson gave a lesser sentence to a man who distributed more than 100 child pornography videos and sent lewd images to his own 10-year-old daughter, he continued.

These cases, he said, represent Jackson’s actions on child sex offenders while serving on the federal district court. He noted that these were cases where she had discretion with the convicts’ sentences; he did not include other cases in which the sentences were mandated by law.

Hawley, who already has received criticism for exposing Jackson’s record, said some critics believe the federal sentencing guidelines are too harsh for child sex crimes, but he disagrees

“The amount of child pornography in circulation has absolutely exploded in recent years,” he continued, citing a New York Times article in which tech companies reported 45 million online photos and videos of children being sexually abused in 2018, twice the amount from the previous year.

However, instead of backtracking, Judge Brown Jackson brazenly admitted the charges under questioning from the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday.

As our friends at Lifesite News reported, Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson defended lighter sentences for child pornographers. She told lawmakers she gave pedophiles lighter sentences because its different when they just use computers verses getting large volumes of child pornography by mail.

This makes “total sense” according to Jackson.

“There’s a statute that tells judges what they’re supposed to do…That statute doesn’t say only look at the guidelines and stop. It doesn’t say impose the highest possible penalty for this sickening and egregious crime,” she added. “The statute says to calculate the guideline but also look at various aspects of this offense and impose a sentence that is ‘sufficient but not greater than necessary’ to promote the purposes of punishment.”

“These are some of the most difficult cases that a judge has to deal with because we’re talking about pictures of sex abuse of children, we’re talking about graphic descriptions that judges have to read and consider when they decide how to sentence in these cases,” she said.

Last week, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children also released a new report that found 85 million files of child pornography in 2021, he continued.

Hawley said he wants to be fair and to give Jackson the opportunity to explain why she made the decisions that she did.

“I’m not interested in trapping Judge Jackson. I’m not interested in trying to play gotcha. I’m interested in her answers,” Hawley said.

The toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044), call today and tell your Senators that any judge who goes easy on child predators does not belong on the Supreme Court and you demand they vote NO on the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

  • child pornography

  • pedophilia

  • Kentanji Brown Jackson

  • confirmation hearings

  • Article III Project (A3P)

  • sex offenders

  • child predators

  • U.S. Sentencing Commission

  • Mike Davis

  • Brett Kavanaugh

  • Josh Hawley

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