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Biden's Border Patrol Whipping Hoax

The mass invasion of our country at the Del Rio, Texas border crossing is another Biden-planned wrecking operation intended to overwhelm our country with Third World criminals and economic basket cases.

Among the many cues that this is planned is the Biden administration’s quick decision to close the airspace over the Del Rio bridge so that news media helicopters and drones could not capture more footage of the invasion because such footage would show that thousands of the illegal aliens are not being deported as Biden has claimed but being given a free ticket to the interior of the country.

And it is particularly noteworthy that chief among those illegal aliens who are being allowed into the country are pregnant women, who will then give birth to anchor babies making them almost impossible to deport.

Another clue is how quickly Democrats embraced the false narrative that Border Patrol agents were “whipping” illegal aliens away from the border.

Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday said she is "deeply troubled" by images from the border showing Border Patrol agents on horseback blocking migrants from entering the U.S.

"What I saw depicted about those individuals on horseback treating human beings the way they were, was horrible," Harris told reporters. "And I fully support what is happening right now, which is a thorough investigation into exactly what is going on there. But human beings should never be treated that way. And I'm deeply troubled about it. And I'll also be talking to Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas about it today."

The photos to which Harris referred caused widespread outrage on the Left, including a condemnation from White House press secretary Jen Psaki, who described them as “horrific,” adding that she couldn’t “imagine what the scenario is where that would be appropriate.” According to the El Paso Times, the incident took place on the banks of the Rio Grande near the border town of Del Rio, as agents on horseback tried to deter Haitian migrants from crossing into the United States. “Let’s go!” a mounted agent yelled according to reporting by the Leftwing New York Magazine. “Get out now! Back to Mexico!” New York Magazine breathlessly reported the agent then swung the rope at the migrants, as one man fell and others tried to shield themselves.

The alleged whipping comes as more than 14,500 Haitians are camped under a bridge in Del Rio as they wait to be processed by Border Patrol.

Leftwing reporters, such as April Ryan of the Grio and CNN weighed in to play the race card against border enforcement.

Border Patrol agents who spoke to Fox News were angered by the pile-on from the administration, and accused it of trying to deflect from its inability to control the border.

One unidentified agent quoted by the UK’s Daily Mail denied the images depict physical abuse, saying the reins are used as whips - but on horses, not humans.

'With basic knowledge and two brain cells, anyone knows those agents use split reins. They do use them as a whip, on their horses,' the agent said.

'This helps get a quicker response from the horse to move out when needed, especially when the horse may be hesitant with groups of people or other animals.'

The agent voiced frustration that the officials 'in charge' do not understand their roles at the border.

'Again it is clear that those 'in charge,' a term that is disgusting to use, have no clue about our operations and frankly operate by ignorance and unhinged emotions,' they said.

A second agent told Fox the situation is 'blowing up' and that the accusatory response from officials and lawmakers is fueling more anger toward the Biden administration.

'This whole situation is blowing up and even liberals are turning on this administration,' one agent told Fox News.

The quick embrace of the false narrative that Border Patrol agents were “whipping” “people of color” is about as transparent a ploy to open the border as one could imagine – but it may be working.

"There are going to be investigations," said Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif., Chair of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, and all the usual suspects, such as the NAACP, CNN, MSNBC, the Far Left, the Black press, are wading in demanding an end to aggressive enforcement at the border and punishment of the Border Patrol agents who are there doing their jobs.

Our take is the Border Patrol whipping hoax is going to be the cover the Far Left is looking for to instigate another round of violence and to facilitate Joe Biden’s plan to further open the border, so when the riots start and the next wave comes remember you heard it here first.

  • Texas

  • Brackettville Texas

  • Del Rio

  • border wall

  • illegal immigration

  • Biden immigration policy

  • COVID-19

  • Vaccine mandates

  • cartels

  • border patrol

  • Title 42

  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott

  • Returned to Mexico

  • anchor babies

  • Kamala Harris

  • whipping incident

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