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Air Force Weak And Getting Weaker Under Gen. CQ Brown

In our series of articles on the dangerous Marxist race-obsession of Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown we’ve exposed how Brown has made race, rather than readiness,

the touchstone of Air Force doctrine.

General Brown’s nomination to be the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is very likely to come to the Senate Floor this week. Through this link with just a few mouse clicks you can demand that your Senators vote NO on this destructive nomination.

You can read our articles documenting Gen. Brown’s destructive management of the Air Force through these links:

Gaffney: restore America’s military greatness, reject Gen. C.Q. Brown to lead Joint Chiefs of Staff Conservative Leaders United In Opposition To Gen CQ Brown As Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff,” How Can Gen. CQ Brown Claim To ‘support and defend the Constitution of the United States’?,” AAF Files Inspector General Complaint Against Gen. CQ Brown, Biden’s Racist Joint Chiefs Nominee,” Stop Gen Charles "CQ" Brown Jr, Biden’s Marxist Race Obsessed Nominee For Chairman of Joint Chiefs.” We suspect most readers see Gen. Brown’s race obsession in the same light as the Supreme Court saw race-based college admissions when it found that such racial preferences and discrimination against ANY race, including Whites and Asians, was unconstitutional and contrary to the 14th Amendment.

However, Gen. Brown’s unconstitutional race-obsessed management of the Air Force has had a real impact on national security, and not for the better.

As our friend Fred Lucas of the Heritage Foundation pointed out in a recent article for the Daily Signal, of all the major service branches, the Air Force has leaned the hardest into progressive ideological indoctrination over readiness and merit… Gen. Brown has stated openly that he “purposely built” his office with “diversity” as the core priority, appearing to discriminate against candidates for positions in the Air Force based on their race, religion, and biological sex.

Unsurprisingly, an over-emphasis on ideological indoctrination and racial quotas has led to a decline in Air Force performance, reported Mr. Lucas. Through this link with just a few mouse clicks you can demand that your Senators vote NO on this destructive nomination.

“As seen in The Heritage Foundation’s 2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength, the Air Force is the weakest of all branches of the U.S. military and was downgraded in 2023 from its previous score of ‘weak’ to ‘very weak’ due to ‘the deepening of previously assessed issues related to aging aircraft and very poor pilot training and retention’ and noted that ‘the USAF would struggle greatly against a peer competitor.”

Despite promises by Gen. Brown to make Air Force flight proficiency and safety standards a priority, these standards have decreased. The readiness of all variants of F-35 aircraft has cratered below 60%, dropping by 11 percentage points in 2022 alone.

Additionally, the entire B-2 bomber fleet was grounded from December 2022-May 2023, incapacitating a major component of the Nuclear Triad, after two serious safety incidents within 15 months. Only one such incident had occurred in the 30 years prior to Gen. Brown’s command.

Indeed, according to the Air Force Times, the Air Force has spent the past four years making a concerted push to ready its planes for war. It’s gained almost no ground.

On average, seven out of every 10 planes were available as needed for combat missions, training or other routine operations last year. That status quo threatens the Air Force’s reliability not only in a crisis but also in its daily routine. It means the service is spending taxpayer dollars on inefficient maintenance practices.

Through this link with just a few mouse clicks you can demand that your Senators vote NO on this destructive nomination.

In an extended conflict against a major adversary, rates in the low 70% range aren’t going to be enough, said Heritage Foundation defense expert and former fighter pilot John Venable.

“Think about running a war against Russia or China, where you’ve got to generate all of your aircraft in order to make that happen,” Venable said. “That math does not bode well.”

General Brown took over as Air Force Chief of Staff in August of 2020. In November of 2022 the Government Accountability Office issued a report that found that many of the US Air Force’s most important fleets did not meet annual mission-capability rate goals.

These included:

In his present role as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, Gen. Brown has compiled a record of espousing the worst of the Biden administration’s agenda for “fundamentally transforming” our uniformed services, while presiding over the continued degradation of the Air Force’s readiness and proficiency.

As LTC Allen West said, CQ Brown would make Mark Milley look like George Patton. The Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), call today and tell your Senators however they may have voted on CQ Brown’s previous promotions, his statements quoted above disqualify him for America’s highest military post, which should be in the hands of someone devoted to supporting and defending the Constitution, not a Marxist social engineer. Alternatively, through this link with just a few mouse clicks you can demand that your Senators vote NO on this destructive nomination.

  • Gen Charles "CQ" Brown Jr

  • American Accountability Foundation (AAF)

  • Joe Biden staff

  • Biden administration

  • Joint Chiefs of Staff

  • Gen. Mark Milley

  • diversity focused hiring

  • woke military

  • racial discrimination

  • Office of Air Force Inspector General complaint

  • Republican Senator Eric Schmitt

  • cultural Marxism

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