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2022 Survey of Grassroots Conservative Leaders regarding the Anti-Police, Soft on Crime Movement

1. Are the Republican candidates in your state doing a good job of tying Democrat candidates to the anti-police movement, which is responsible for the huge increase in crime in Democrat controlled cities?
2. Are national Republican leaders doing a good job at BRANDING the Democrat party and their candidates as anti-police, which is responsible for the huge increase in crime in Democrat controlled cities?
3. Do you feel that national Republican leaders are doing a good job at BRANDING the Democrats as elite socialists who support the anti-police movement, open borders, out of control spending and high taxes, weak national security, indoctrination of school children, inflation, and war on fossil fuels?

Next week, I’ll report the results and have another important question for you.  I’ll share the results of today’s survey with thousands of national conservative and Republican leaders.

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