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We Endorse David Perdue For Governor Of Georgia

“Think about how different it would be today if Kemp had fought Abrams first, instead of fighting Trump,” former Senator David Perdue said in an ad announcing his candidacy. “Kemp caved before the election, and the country is paying the price today.”

In our view, the Georgia Republican Primary to nominate GOP candidate for Governor shouldn’t even be close because Brian Kemp has been so bad any other politician with an ounce of self-awareness would never have run for reelection.

But self-awareness is not Brian Kemp’s strong suit, so just to make sure he is soundly defeated we give former Republican Senator David Perdue our immediate endorsement.

We are not alone, it looks like former President Trump has already lent his support to Sen. Perdue, saying:

Wow, it looks like highly respected Senator David Perdue will be running against RINO Brian Kemp for Governor of Georgia. David was a great Senator, and he truly loves his State and his Country. This will be very interesting, and I can’t imagine that Brian Kemp, who has hurt election integrity in Georgia so badly, can do well at the ballot box (unless the election is rigged, of course). He cost us two Senate seats and a Presidential victory in the Great State of Georgia.

And let’s get something straight at the outset, our endorsement of David Perdue has nothing to do with Mr. Trump’s preference in this election.

Our concern in this race is the long-term growth and health of the conservative movement in Georgia, something that Governor Kemp has not just ignored but seemed to work against during his term as Governor.

Anyone with an ounce of sense could see that the pre-2020 election demands of Stacey Abrams and her woke Democrat supporters were intended to disadvantage Republicans and President Trump’s reelection bid in particular.

We warned Republicans in Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and elsewhere about what was going on in various articles and open letters.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger completely ignored those warnings and embraced ballot drop boxes, extended absentee ballot acceptance dates, Zuckerbucks for local election officers, universal mail-in absentee ballots and other policies that weakened ballot security.

Many of those policies were completely without legislative foundation and were undertaken under the guise of the Governor’s emergency orders allegedly protecting voters from the COVID virus.

And let’s not forget that engineering and software experts in 2018, urged the state not to buy a new computerized election system because of concerns it could be hacked - advocating for hand-marked paper ballots instead.

Then-Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp ignored them and bought a new $30 million-dollar computerized voting system from Dominion.

And that was all BEFORE the election.

After the 2020 election Kemp did everything in his power to stymie any kind of investigation or audit of the 2020 presidential election, even in the face of a vast trove of sworn witness statements, gaps in election data and even video evidence, including:

  • Instances where votes apparently got switched from one candidate to another.

  • Batches of votes where 100% of the votes improbably went for one candidate.

  • As many as 18 instances where batches of votes appeared to have been duplicated.

  • Video that appears to show identical absentee ballots that apparently got counted multiple times.

Months after the results were certified and well beyond the window for any corrective action Brian Kemp finally came around and acknowledged that there were problems in the 2020 presidential election.

“To fight back, we simply have to be united," Perdue said when he announced his candidacy. “Look, I like Brian. This isn’t personal. It’s simple: He has failed all of us and cannot win in November.”

We agree and that’s why we endorse David Perdue for Governor of Georgia.

  • David Perdue

  • Brian Kemp

  • Stacey Abrams

  • 2022 Georgia Governor's race

  • Donald Trump

  • 2020 election

  • elections integrity

  • mail-in voting

  • Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

  • ballot drop boxes

  • extended absentee ballot acceptance dates

  • Zuckerbucks for local election officers

  • Dominion voting machines

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