Muslim Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar (MN-5) has a long record of corruption and skirting the law, starting with immigration fraud involving her husband/brother and

feathering the nest of her toy boy with money from her campaign account, and she’s managed to skate free on all of it.
Until now.
Minneapolis police say they are “looking into” claims of ballot harvesting and vote buying documented on video by our friends at James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.
The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office said they were also made aware of the allegations but have received no information or cases involving alleged “ballot harvesting” in any elections held this year. Cases of suspected election violations in Minnesota should be reported to law enforcement agencies, who would then submit their investigations to the county attorney, according to a spokesperson for Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman.
“If Project Veritas has evidence of election law violations, they should provide it to the Minneapolis Police Department,” the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office said.
Project Veritas announced Monday it had videos from Minneapolis resident Liban Mohamed, the brother of Minneapolis City Council member Jamal Osman, claiming he received money to collect 300 absentee ballots in a single day for his brother’s special election race in Minneapolis' Sixth Ward last month.
Project Veritas said the ballot harvesting, or allowing third parties to collect ballots and turn them into polling locations, occurred in July during the primary in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, won by Rep. Ilhan Omar. Omar Jamal, chairman of a Minnesota Somali watchdog group, told Project Veritas that he believes that Rep. Omar is connected to it.
Under certain fairly narrow circumstances Minnesota law allows third parties to collect ballots, the activities shown in the Project Veritas video do not appear to meet those circumstances.
The Project Veritas video shows a man, Liban Mohamed, talking about harvesting ballots for then Minneapolis city council candidate Jamal Osman. Later in the video, community activist Omar Jamal claims Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar pays for ballot harvesting.
"She uses her money and he is one of her many people. He is not the only one who works for her," Jamal says of Omar.
Mohamed said he was collecting the ballots to help his brother win the city’s Aug. 11 special election for a vacant Ward 6 city council race—which was held the same day as the primary for Omar’s MN-05 congressional seat. Ward 6 is the heart of the city’s Somali community and the Omar’s political base.
Jamal said he was motivated to reach out to Project Veritas, because he wants to eliminate the corruption that weakens his community, such as the ballot harvesting practiced by Minnesota’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, in which Ilhan Omar has emerged as a rising power broker.
“It's an open secret,” he said. “she [Omar] will do anything that she can do to get elected and she has hundreds of people on the streets doing that.”
Jamal, as part of his participation in the investigation, interviewed a Somali-American who functions as a ballot harvester his community. In the interview, the harvester described how he was paid to vote in the Aug. 11 special election and primary, along with a Project Veritas undercover journalist.
The harvester said Somali-American vote-buying operatives from the Omar machine came to his apartment building to oversee the voter filling out the paperwork.
Omar operatives request the ballots and fill them out for the voters, he said.
“They come to us. They came to our homes. They said: ‘This year, you will vote for Ilhan,’” he said. “They said: ‘We will make the absentee ballots. We will fill out the forms for you and when you get them back, we will again fill it out and send it.”
There was no need to go to the voting site, because the Omar operatives told him: “You stay home and you will not go to the place.”
After the ballots are signed and documented the harvester said he got paid.
“When we sign the voting document and they fill it out is when they give us the money,” he said. “The minute we signed the thing [ballot] for the election. That’s when we get paid.”
Hennepin County Attorney Jeff Wojciechowski told a Project Veritas journalist on a recorded line the ballot harvesting conduct described to him was: “Illegal, and we will be investigating.”
2020 Election
Project Veritas
Ilhan Omar
ballot harvesting
voter fraud
ballot integrity
vote buying
Liban Mohamed
Jamal Osman