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Primary These ‘Republican’ Gun Controllers

Last week we told our fellow conservatives we thought any and every “Republican” who votes for the massive, 2,741-page Consolidated Appropriations Act, H.R. 2741, needs a

primary opponent. The bill, we said, is “the epitome of everything that is wrong with Congress.”

Our opposition at that time was based on the vast increase in the national debt and the outrageous misuse of our tax dollars in the bill – plus the many anti-constitutional and anti-conservative policies it funded.

And that didn’t even take into consideration the anti-Second Amendment language that we heard was coming out of the bill, but we heard wrong and some gun control remained:

Sections 1101-1102: the NICS Denial Notification Act to launch criminal investigations into firearm transfer background check denials—even though 9 out of 10 times the system falsely denies a law-abiding citizen.

Section 1103: funding for ATF to deputize local police to enforce federal gun laws, especially to undermine Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA) states.

According to an analysis by our friends at here’s what the gun control provisions in the bill do:

NICS Denial Notification Act

The bill includes the NICS Denial Notification Act. This provision will require the criminal investigation of all National Instant Criminal Background Check System denials. The vast majority of NICS denials are false.

The bill’s passage means that thousands of law-abiding Americans will be subject to criminal investigation due to a mistake in a flawed government database. Guilty until proven innocent.

Empowering ATF

Another provision in the bill will allow the deputization of local law enforcement by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). This provision is a direct attack against states with Second Amendment Protection Acts (SAPA). Those bills prevent state and local law enforcement from enforcing federal gun control, but since VAWA allows for the deputization of local law enforcement, that means the federal government can restore the power of local police to enforce federal gun laws by making them agents of ATF.

The bill also includes funds for “gun violence” research. Federal research into gun violence has always been flawed in the past. Instead of using evidence-based science to come to a conclusion, the government has been caught using a predetermined result. The federal agency would decide on a conclusion they wanted first and work backward by using evidence to back up their opinion while ignoring evidence contradicting their stance. The practice was highlighted by whistleblower Dr. Miguel Faria whose testimony in front of Congress ended funding for gun violence research by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Headed, as usual by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, here is the list of allegedly Republican Senators who voted for these anti-Second Amendment laws:

Barrasso (R-WY)

Blunt (R-MO)

Capito (R-WV)

Collins (R-ME)

Cornyn (R-TX)

Ernst (R-IA)

Graham (R-SC)

Grassley (R-IA)

Hyde-Smith (R-MS)

McConnell (R-KY)

Moran (R-KS)

Murkowski (R-AK)

Portman (R-OH)

Shelby (R-AL)

Thune (R-SD)

Tuberville (R-AL)

Wicker (R-MS)

Young (R-IN)

And here is the list of the allegedly Republican House Members who voted for these anti-Second Amendment laws:


Bice (OK)




Carter (TX)





Garcia (CA)


Gonzales, Tony

Gonzalez (OH)


Herrera Beutler


Joyce (OH)


Kim (CA)









Rogers (KY)











The passage of the recent Omnibus spending bill threw the mendacity and hypocrisy of the 18 Senate Republicans and 39 House Republicans listed above into sharp detail, especially on support for the Second Amendment. And we think each of these alleged Republicans has earned a primary opponent.

No doubt there will be lots of squawking about calling any incumbent Republican a traitor in a year when we hope to defeat enough liberal Democrats to put Republicans back in the majority, but a lot of conservatives will ask “what’s the point” when about a third of the House GOP and over a third of GOP Senators votes with the Democrats on one of the most consequential bills of the session?

If you are a principled limited government constitutional conservative and have ever thought of running for any office, particularly Congress, this is the year to do it. You have a list of targets above and the filing deadlines below, you don’t even have to live in the district to file, just run to the sound of the guns and file to oppose one of these RINOs.

Filing deadlines will have already passed or soon will; however, for 30 states, the filing deadline is beyond March 15th. I urge all conservatives to find a candidate for every office from precinct committeeperson, to school board and city council, to your state legislature, to the U.S. House of Representatives and the United States Senate. Please check with your local election officials for official information on dates, times and locations of filing.

  • Second Amendment

  • gun rights

  • GOP primaries

  • Consolidated Appropriations Act

  • H.R. 2741

  • NICS Denial Notification Act

  • ATF

  • National Instant Criminal Background Check System

  • Second Amendment Protection Acts (SAPA)

  • gun violence research

  • Omnibus spending bill

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