Democrats and their bureaucratic government-run system have largely destroyed the American health care market. The Personalized Care Act, sponsored by Sen. Ted Cruz and
Rep. Chip Roy, puts patients and doctors back at the center of healthcare—not Washington bureaucrats. This bill makes it easier to pay for health insurance and increases portability and accessibility for millions of Americans.
In a time when Democrats are pushing to increase federal control of our healthcare system the conservative leaders of the Conservative Action Project endorse The Personalized Care Act as a Republican alternative that stays true to conservative principles and finally creates personalized healthcare for all Americans.
We urge CHQ readers and friends to call their Representative and Senators (the Capitol Switchboard is 1-866-220-0044) to demand they cosponsor The Personalized Care Act and vote “AYE” in Committee and on the Floor.
Full text of Conservative Action Project Memo for the Movement and list of signers follows:
July 28, 2022
Washington, DC
The American health care market has largely been destroyed. Currently it is unnecessarily complex and long overdue for an overhaul. Prices are too high, choices are too few, and the federal government's response has long been more government control and more money – only leading to worse care and coverage options.
The choice is between a government-run system that is heading us towards bankruptcy or a free-market solution that allows everyone to have access to great care.
In an age of technology, job mobility, and unprecedented market innovation, America deserves a 21st-century solution to this long-broken system. That is why we are supportive of the efforts of Senator Ted Cruz, R-TX, and Representative Chip Roy, R-TX with The Personalized Care Act, which aims to help Americans get the health care they need by decreasing bureaucracy and increasing their choices. We encourage all Members to sponsor this legislation and to include The Personalized Care Act in any agenda looking to the 118th Congress.
The Personalized Care Act puts patients and doctors back at the center of healthcare—not Washington bureaucrats. This bill makes it easier to pay for health insurance and increases portability and accessibility for millions of Americans.
The bill decouples HSAs from high-deductible health insurance plans, expands HSAs for individuals with Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, direct medical care, healthcare sharing ministries, short-term limited-duration plans, and medical indemnity plans.
The bill increases HSA contribution limits from $3,550 (2020 limit) to $10,800 for individuals and from $7,100 (2020 limit) to $29,500 for families.
The bill extends allowable HSA withdrawals to include direct medical care fees, healthcare sharing ministry fees, and insurance premiums.
Defines direct medical care and healthcare sharing ministries as qualified medical expenses and not health plans or insurance plans.
Reduces the penalty for nonqualified distributions from 20 percent to 10 percent.
In a time when Democrats are pushing to increase federal control of our healthcare system it is time for the Republicans to offer an alternative that stays true to conservative principles and finally create personalized healthcare for all Americans.
Affiliations for identification purposes only:
The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell
Chairman, Conservative Action Project
Chairman, CNP Action, Inc.
The Honorable Jim DeMint
Chairman, Conservative Partnership Institute
Member, US Senate (SC 2005-2013)
David N. Bossie
Citizens United
The Honorable Brooke Rollins
President and CEO
America First Policy Institute (AFPI)
The Honorable Mary Vought
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
Kevin Roberts, Ph.D.
The Heritage Foundation
Terry Schilling
American Principles Project
Cleta Mitchell, Esq.
Senior Legal Fellow
Conservative Partnership Institute
William L. Walton
The Bill Walton Show
Resolute Protector Foundation
Lisa B. Nelson
Chief Executive Officer
American Legislative Exchange Council
L. Brent Bozell III
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Media Research Center
Wesley Denton
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Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)
Lori Roman
ACRU Action Fund
Alfred S. Regnery
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Craig Shirley
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Kristan Hawkins
Students for Life Action
Katarina Lindley D.O. FACOFP
President, Texas Osteopathic Medical Association
President-Elect, Texas AAPS
Chad Savage, M.D.
Your Choice Direct Care
Josh Umbehr, M.D.
Atlas, MD
Family Practice
Sean Noble
American Encore
Joseph A. Morris
Partner, Morris & De La Rosa
General Counsel, U.S. Office of Pers. Mgt (Reagan Administration)
Richard Rounsavelle
Sal Russo
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Ron Pearson
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C. Preston Noell III
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The Honorable Mike Hill
Former Member
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Coalition for a Fair Judiciary
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MDS Communications Corporation
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Darrel Johnson
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Charles J. Cooper
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Heather R. Higgins
Independent Women's Voice
Leslee J. Unruh
National Abstinence Clearinghouse
Robert Alt
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The Buckeye Institute
Thomas E. McClusky
Greenlight Strategies, LLC
Ed Corrigan
Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project and President & CEO, Conservative Partnership Institute
Kelly J. Shackelford, Esq.
President and CEO
First Liberty Institute
Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund
The Honorable David McIntosh
Club for Growth
Scott T. Parkinson
Vice President for Government Affairs
Club for Growth
Tom Jones
American Accountability Foundation
Chad Connelly
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Faith Wins
The Honorable Morton C. Blackwell
The Leadership Institute
The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop
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David Bozell
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The Honorable Paul S. Teller, Ph.D.
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Jane M. Orient, MD
Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Andrew Roth
State Freedom Caucus Network
Kimberly Legg Corba, DO
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Lee S. Gross, M.D.
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Matthew Tyrmand LLC
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Richard G. Scurry
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Movie to Movement
Amy Kremer
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Gary Marx
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Save Our States
David B. Kullberg
Executive Director
Christians for A Sustainable Economy (CASE)
William W. Pascoe, III
Our Man in Washington
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Dr. Ernest Calvin Beisner
President, Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation
Melvin Adams
Noah Webster Educational Foundation
Dr. Allen Unruh
National Abstinence Clearinghouse
Kevin Freeman
NSIC Institute
Kristen A. Ullman
Eagle Forum
The Personalized Care Act
Senator Ted Cruz
Representative Chip Roy
Health care portability
Health care access
Health insurance
free market healthcare
Health Savings Accounts HSA
Insurance plans