Leaders of more than a dozen conservative organizations, including ConservativeHQ.com, are calling on states to abandon the American Library Association (ALA) over the

organization's support for the homosexual grooming and Marxist indoctrination of children. You can read the full text of their open letter through this link.
In April last year, the ALA elected a self-professed “Marxist lesbian” as the association’s new president.
“I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect,” Emily Drabinski wrote in a social media post at the time. “I am so excited for what we will do together. Solidarity!”

According to reporting by Tristan Justice of the Federalist, an investigation from the American Accountability Foundation, whose president is a signatory to the letter, revealed links between the Marxist-led organization and leftist billionaire financier George Soros. The ALA has also promoted and defended “Drag Queen Story Hour” by offering resources to local libraries dealing with community outrage over the lewd displays aimed at children.
Mr. Justice reported that prior to the publication of the letter, states and localities have begun to drop out of the American Library Association. In July, Missouri became the first to cut ties with the 147-year-old umbrella association. Missouri Secretary of State John Ashcroft sent the ALA a letter terminating the relationship on July 7. The Montana State Library Commission voted to follow suit four days later. Lawmakers in eight more states have now signaled they are preparing to sever the relationship between the ALA and their local library commissions.
The conservative leaders, representing millions of conservative voters, expressed the outrage felt by parents and library patrons across the country, saying:
The American Library Association (ALA) has become an organization that is undermining our country’s Constitutional rights and attacking its moral foundation, especially under its current leadership. The ALA’s deliberate hostility towards religious Americans and its obsession with the promotion of gender ideology to children are especially concerning because of its de facto status as the umbrella organization that controls programming and organizational support for state, local, and religious library associations across the country.
The letter further pointed out that the ALA is largely funded by taxpayers:
Appallingly, state and local libraries are literally paying for the privilege of this political
domination by the ALA. State and local library associations use dollars from taxpayer-funded grants that are disbursed through states to pay dues and conference attendance fees to the ALA. Library associations with religious affiliations are using their donors’ and co-religionists’ money for the same indoctrination. All these associations should sever their ties with the ALA. State legislatures should ensure that no taxpayer dollars can be used by these associations to support ALA in any way. There is no risk to the federal funding of these state library associations and systems because as the ALA itself notes "the bulk of [Library Services and Technology Act] funds are distributed to each state through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) according to a population-based grant formula." The ALA would simply cease to be a motive force in programming decisions.
State executives, such as State Attorneys General, also have a role to play in examining the
activities of the ALA. The allegations of coordinated attacks on religiously-affiliated
organizations raise fundamental questions about violations of the First Amendment.
Additionally, the ALA’s ceaseless promotion of obscene materials targeted at children could run afoul of numerous state and federal laws that protect against the proliferation of harmful
materials to minors. Congress has a responsibility through the appropriations process to ensure that the ALA, given its legally questionable and morally harmful recent track record, is not eligible to receive federal funding or support.
Our libraries are local treasures. We will not let them be overrun and held hostage by a radical organization acting well outside what its core mission should be. The United States of America must move on from the American Library Association as currently constituted and state and local library associations and the government entities that support them must lead the way.
The letter was signed by:
Andy Roth President State Freedom Caucus Network
Tom Jones President American Accountability Foundation
Wade Miller Executive Director Citizens for Renewing America
Saurabh Sharma President American Moment
Terry Schilling President American Principles Project
Rick Manning President Americans for Limited Government
Jon Schweppe Policy Director American Principles Project
Paul Teller Executive Director Advancing American Freedom
The Honorable George K. Rasley Jr. Managing Editor ConservativeHQ.com
Bob Carlstrom President Amac Action
Kristen Ullman President Eagle Forum
Ron Armstrong President Stand Up Michigan
Penny Nance CEO and President Concerned Women for America LAC
Jenny Beth Martin Honorary Chairman Tea Party Patriots Action
All organizations listed for identification purposes only.
American Library Association
sexual orientation grooming
Drag Queen story hour
public libraries
sexualizing children
ALA President Emily Drabinski
George Soros
Over the Rainbow booklist
Critical Race Theory