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459 Biden Crimes: The 'Report on the Biden Laptop' Part 3 of 3

The Marco Polo Project - @MarcoPolo501c3 - has released a 630-page Report on the Biden

Laptop that thoroughly documents 459 crimes committed by the Bidens and their associates. These crimes include:

•140 business crimes

•191 sex crimes

•128 drug crimes

In Part 1 we introduced you to the vast trove of evidence of Hunter Biden’s sex crimes found on his abandoned laptop, in Part 2 we introduced you to the (tip of the iceberg) evidence of the Biden family's drug crimes, and today we will provide just a few examples of the Biden family's business crimes documented in the Marco Polo Report.

As the authors of the report observed, the Biden family's numerous sex and drug-related crimes are crucial to understanding them, particularly their egregious hypocrisy and double standards; however, an impartial view of the situation clearly showed how their entanglements in international business and politics were the paramount national security threat revealed by the laptop files.

Indeed, the Bidens' dealings changed the course of history, particularly America's relationship with its most formidable opponent: the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

American history, noted the authors of the report, is replete with white and blue collar crime families, and the Bidens are a unique mix of both.

The family was involved in both petty and elaborate financial corruption schemes, eastern European energy companies, and multimillion dollar "consulting" contracts with firms run by CCP-linked operatives. The Bidens business and financial shenanigans can be divided into three "buckets" said the authors of the report:

The goal of the report is to focus on bucket #3: Acts that are definitively illegal, with perhaps both civil and criminal penalties.

Our first example from the Marco Polo Report touches on someone CHQ readers have met before: Rob Walker. In our articles “The New York Times Says Nothing To See Here” and “Biden Family Received Over $1 Million From Red Chinese Energy Company” we detailed just some of the evidence that Walker acted as a “smurf” or money laundering accomplice in the Biden family’s influence peddling operation.

Now, the Marco Polo Report has put flesh on the skeleton we introduced in our two previous articles.

As the authors of the report explained, Rob Walker and his wife Betsy have been key servants of both the Clinton and Biden political syndicates.

The most accurate description of Rob Walker's role was described by Mr. Walker himself: "I've generally been acting as a surrogate for H[unter] around the country and abroad pursuing opportunities and... I see myself continuing to do that."

Aside from being Hunter's globetrotting stand-in, Walker has traversed Latin America with Bill Clinton. Pilot Growth Equity, a firm owned in part by Walker, also invested heavily in a pandemic tracking company called Metabiota, the value of which has appreciated significantly since COVID surfaced.

Hunter used Rob Walker for facilitating payments, including and especially illegal ones that Hunter did not want to be tied to directly, observed the authors of the Marco Polo Report.

Rob Walker's shell company received $6 million from a CCP-linked firm, State Energy HK Limited, one month after Joe Biden left the vice presidency: A U.S. Senate report described it as such: [O]n February 23, 2017, and March 1, 2017, a Shanghai-based company called State Energy HK Limited sent two wires, each in the amount of $3,000,000, to a bank account for Robinson Walker LLC. A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) noted that it "[w]as unclear what the true purpose is behind these transaction and who the ultimate beneficiary is" In short, Hunter laundered money through Walker's bank account and emailed Walker days before a $3 million wire from the Red Chinese company hit Walker's account: "Can you do another [$]20[k] to my account pl[ea]s[e][?]

Other Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) were filed related to Hunter Biden’s business with international human trafficking, sex, and pornography enterprises. Just a small sample is documented through this link.

As the authors of the Marco Polo Report noted, much of what the Bidens do and did, while egregious, was not easily actionable under U.S. law. However, along with the money laundering cited above, there is a statue that might have been written with Hunter Biden in mind: the Foreign Agents Registration Act or FARA.

The FARA requires those acting as an agent for a "foreign principal" to register with the Department of Justice. FARA does not prevent any otherwise legal relationship or transaction between the parties; it merely requires the agent to register and declare for which foreign principal he is acting as an agent. Because the bar for complying with the FARA is so low, the penalties for violating the statute are relatively steep, including fines and up to five years in prison.

Hunter Biden and his business partners flagrantly violated this law for nearly a decade, as the exhibits presented in the Report clearly illustrate.

While prosecution for FARA violations is fairly rare, this was the exact law used to prosecute former President Donald Trump's one-time campaign manager Paul Manafort. In what the authors of the Marco Polo Report call a “sickeningly ironic twist” Joe Biden's feds also used FARA to "investigate" or better put, try to intimidate, Rudy Giuliani during his quest to expose the Bidens' crimes in Ukraine.

Again, here’s just a tip of the iceberg look at one of Hunter Biden’s clearly documented FARA violations:

Here is the list of “Bucket #3,” business-related acts that are definitively illegal, with perhaps both civil and criminal penalties that the authors of the Marco Polo Report documented from the evidence found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

  • Marco Polo Project

  • Hunter Biden laptop

  • CrowdStrike

  • sex-related crimes

  • Webcam sites

  • sex addiction

  • Temujin

  • Genghis Khan

  • Owasco business accounts

  • Ashley Biden

  • Dr. Howard Krein

  • illegal drug use

  • Hallie Olivere Biden

  • Foreign Agents Registration Act or FARA

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